Global Landscape Fire News
USDA AND DOI ANNOUNCE ANNUAL NATIONAL FIRE PLAN AWARD WINNERS Forecasters ease fire season predictions Residents forced to flee as fire threatens Fitzgerald October monsoon may bring respite USDA AND DOI ANNOUNCE ANNUAL NATIONAL FIRE PLAN AWARD WINNERS Earth Headed for Global Warming Catastrophe USDA AND DOI ANNOUNCE ANNUAL NATIONAL FIRE PLAN AWARD WINNERS Peat bog fires blaze near Moscow B.C. bog smoke wafts over county – Fire persists, air quality
monitored Area Firefighters Train in Wildland Fire Simulator Haze Watch: We can breathe easy for now Incendio forestal en San Gabán Puno, ya habría superado más de
36 Km cuadrados Bulgaria Gas Cistern Fire Tamed Boise National Forest Begins Early Fire Prevention Planning Mexico: Fortalecen acciones contra los incendios Fires Destroy Vast Areas of Forest in Eastern Russia Police evacuate Cramond Island after fire Fog helps, hinders Portugal forest fire fight Fire crews dampen hot spots in Southland fire WOODS HOLE RESEARCH CENTER PLANS CONTROLLED BURN IN AMAZON
RAINFOREST Incendios forestales que arruinaron a Portugal se reavivaron este
jueves A week to put out blaze in peat forest Early Settlers Made Australian Desert, Study Finds IUCN, Community Discuss Upland Rehabilitation Projects Russia and China To Begin Forest Management Talks Massacre écologique dans les forêts de Borshi, dans le sud
de lAlbanie A Coimbra, terres et hommes consumés par les flammes Largest taiga forest fire put out in Pre-Baikal region Bush Seeks $867 Million Budget for Forest Thinning El Splif, preparado para combatir los incendios forestales El CVC pide a la ONU que los incendios forestales Homeland Director Says Agency Plans For All Possibilities Neighbors threaten suit to stop logging in S.C. Mountains Lightning cause of busy long weekend for MNR firefighters ASEAN countries to hold environment meeting to discuss haze Forest fire contained and to be put out in two days Un incendio forestal arrasa 150.000 hectáreas de la Amazonia
boliviana Plus de mille hectares de forêt détruits par le feu à Tipasa Area Firefighters Train in Wildland Fire Simulator Great Dismal Swamp fire contained Early Settlers Made Australian Desert, Study Finds Forest fire in Sichuan brought under control Firemen on look-out for open burning Boise National Forest Begins Early Fire Prevention Planning Local firefighters head to Texas HARD COPY: If rhetoric could banish the haze … Fiery Words of the Wise in Beverly Hills Bush Seeks $867 Million Budget for Forest Thinning ASEAN forms panel to deal with haze Incendios forestales, grave problema en Chilpancingo Forest fire contained and to be put out in two days Area Firefighters Train in Wildland Fire Simulator The first ever Australian national forum for women involved in
firefighting Six feux de forêts en activité au Portugal : cinq pompiers
blessés Forest fire choking up life for townsfolk Advierten sobre riesgos de incendios forestales Boise National Forest Begins Early Fire Prevention Planning Seven arrested for illegal logging on Borneo island HAZE WATCH: Be prepared for return of the haze Over 14,000 fires registered in Rssn forests this year El 45% de los incendios de verano son por negligencia o
intencionados El 91 % de los incendios forestales esclarecidos en Huelva
fueron provocados Atrapados por incendio forestal miles de indígenas peruanos The first ever Australian national forum for women involved in
firefighting Peat bog fire blankets Vancouver in smoky haze Forest fire choking up life for townsfolk Continúan los incendios forestales Spain to purchase Russia’s fire fighting helicopters Incendios forestales se multiplican en Loja Mexico: Fortalecen acciones contra los incendios Firefighting helicopters heading to Iraq in 2006 Balikpapan Forest Area Prone to Fire Due To Burning Coal
Seam Forest pathologist discusses Sudden Oak Life Web site to focus on fire’s natural role Mexico: Fortalecen acciones contra los incendios X región: Incendios forestales podrían aumentar por el
cambio climático Incendio forestal en Palena ya consumió más de 20
hectáreas Rain brings respite from forest fires FOREST CONSERVATION: GOOD NEWS FROM ASIA Analysis: Firefighters face new season Incendie de forêt à Lançon-de-Provence, des maisons menacées The first ever Australian national forum for women involved in
firefighting Rain brings respite from forest fires Forest fire choking up life for townsfolk FOREST CONSERVATION: GOOD NEWS FROM ASIA Early Settlers Made Australian Desert, Study Finds Weather brings some relief from fires Analysis: Firefighters face new season Supervisors authorize contracts for year-round fire protection
to unserved and underserved areas L’Alberta incendie la forêt pour enrayer un insecte Bush Seeks $867 Million Budget for Forest Thinning Machu Picchu park forest on fire Thornton resident to get forest fire bill Forest fire contained and to be put out in two days Fires blaze out of control across Portugal Feux de forêt: 99 personnes arrêtées en Espagne HAZE WATCH: Cloud-seeding ops begin DHS Funds Firefighter Safety Study Govt sets up drought and forest fire centre El alto coste de los incendios forestales Dominican Republic: Sin extinguir incendio forestal en Pico Duarte Weather brings forest fire relief Termina la temporada de incendios forestales en centro, sur y
sureste del país La grêle a fait à nouveau des dégâts par millions Forest fire put out in Inner Mongolia INCENDIOS FORESTALES EN CORDOBA Emergencia en salud por los incendios forestales 10-day blaze destroyed 1,260 hectares of forest Incendio forestal afectó al fundo Las Cenizas Govt to issue declaration on haze Forest fire completely put out in Sichuan El índice de riesgo en incendios forestales se mantendrá crítico
en la próxima temporada Nouveau feu de forêt en Colombie-Britannique Fiddling while Siberia burns: ‘lungs of Europe’ under threat from
forest fires Haze Watch: Indonesia serious about prosecuting all offenders Fighting to ensure history doesn’t repeat itself Fire commission hammers away at public health issues Fire destroys 1,600 ha of forest in SW county Forest Fire Information – At Your Fingertips Fenómeno de calentamiento se acelera en selva central
amazónica Feux de forêts : Qui est responsable ? Almost 1,000 hectares destroyed by fire so far this year in Andalucía Plus de 23 000 ha ravagés par les incendies du 1er juin au 26
août Logran controlar un incendio forestal en San Luis Crean plan para prevenir incendios en Las Segovias Firefighters return from hurricane duty Declaran “estado de emergencia” en Brasil ante
incendio forestal en Bolivia Lograron controlar los incendios forestales que afectaban a
Campo Quijano, Cafayate y Salta Presenta Cofom informe final de temporada de incendios
forestales Govt to issue declaration on haze Haze may return as wind shifts Fighting to ensure history doesn’t repeat itself Fire commission hammers away at public health issues Research: Haze, Daily Deaths Linked Chile: CONAF deberá recuperar la zona quemada Haze: Moderate API Readings In 19 Areas Voraz incendio forestal viene afectando cinco poblados en Satipo Le Portugal demande l’aide de l’UE contre les incendies de forêt Property owners get jump on protection Trees destroyed in forest fire Conservationists battle loggers to save Orangutans’ habitat Los europeos envían a Portugal ayuda contra incendios Atienden gratis a afectados por incendios forestales en Satipo Haze chokes Pekanbaru and neighboring cities Bush Budget Harmful to Rural Forest Communities Chile: CONAF deberá recuperar la zona quemada Feux de forêt: les coûts explosent Smoke from forest fire in Cambodia spreads to eastern Thailand Conservationists battle loggers to save Orangutans’ habitat Haze chokes Pekanbaru and neighboring cities Bush Budget Harmful to Rural Forest Communities Govt sets up drought and forest fire centre Dominican Republic: Sin extinguir incendio forestal en Pico Duarte Smoke from forest fire in Cambodia spreads to eastern Thailand Declaran alerta roja por incendio forestal en La Ligua Hay alto riesgo de graves incendios forestales en 2006 PHILIPPINE FORESTS: SIGNS OF HOPE Govt sets up drought and forest fire centre 200th Air Tractor AT-802 Aircraft Delivered To Canada’s Conair Group,
Inc. for Aerial Firefighting Inicia campaña para prevenir incendios forestales en
Cosigüina Dominican Republic: Sin extinguir incendio forestal en Pico Duarte The pros and cons of Muizenberg’s blaze Catastrophes Cost Russia over 100 Billion Rubles a Year Officials: Wet winter helps fire prevention efforts Incendie sur la Côte d’Azur: quelque 5.000 campeurs évacués Incendie près de Larache : Près de 300 ha de forêt ravagés PHILIPPINE FORESTS: SIGNS OF HOPE 200th Air Tractor AT-802 Aircraft Delivered To Canada’s Conair Group,
Inc. for Aerial Firefighting The pros and cons of Muizenberg’s blaze Chile: CONAF deberá recuperar la zona quemada Catastrophes Cost Russia over 100 Billion Rubles a Year Bomberos consiguen controlar incendio forestal Cataluña central Forest fire damages crops, trees Conservationists battle loggers to save Orangutans’ habitat Haze chokes Pekanbaru and neighboring cities Officials: Wet winter helps fire prevention efforts Fire scorches hills above Oslo Bush Budget Harmful to Rural Forest Communities Govt to issue declaration on haze Intervention aérienne massive pour maîtriser un incendie de forêt
aux environs de Tanger Fighting to ensure history doesn’t repeat itself Fire commission hammers away at public health issues Smoke from forest fire in Cambodia spreads to eastern Thailand Early Alaska Wildfire Sparks Fears of Tough Season DoC camera helps to fight Kaimaumau peat blaze Indonesia: Forest fire agency demand autonomy Action to prevent fires in the Peak Firemen tame Far North fire after 10 days GFMC: Statement COFO 16 March 2005 MALLECO SE ORGANIZA PARA PREVENIR INCENDIOS FORESTALES Cape fire under control, but warning stands Un incendio forestal se acerca a una comunidad Malaysia: Post Raja Muda Musa Forest Reserve Fire: Hard to gauge
extent of damage Investigation into Flynn forest fire Eurasian Forest Map May Arrive Late at Expo-2005 GFMC: Recent Media Highlights on Fire, Policies, and Politics – December 2005 Cloud Seeding Tomorrow To Stop Smoke From Peat Forests Spain: Un incendio forestal arrasa 100 hectáreas en Elduain y cierra
seis horas la A-15 Heat Wave Brings Fires To Yamal Tundra Fire rages outside Port Elizabeth In face of wildfires, UN disaster agency calls for global
cooperation on prevention GFMC: Recent Media Highlights on Fire, Policies, and Politics – October 2005 Fire officials: Better mapping would have aided firefighters Los incendios forestales: una reflexión serena Loggers Going Into Oregon Old Growth Reserve on Biscuit Fire Bog fire will take weeks to fight The Amazing Story of a 16-mile Shaded Fuel Break Governor writes to federal government about air tankers Encienden la alerta de incendios forestales en Ñuble France: les CL-415 cloués au sol AFOA río Uruguay advierte sobre el peligro de incendios
forestales en la región Intentan sofocar incendio cerca de Machu Picchu Incendio forestal destruye áreas de cultivo en Chepén Cape fire under control, but warning stands Los incendios ya han calcinado 824 hectáreas, la cifra más alta
en 8 años Benefits of Planned Forest Fires Are Cited Spanish forest fire aftermath surveyed by Envisat Eurasian Forest Map May Arrive Late at Expo-2005 Un incendie détruit deux hectares de pins aux environs de
Tétouan Otros siniestros que agravan el problema Corsica fire flares up again, new blaze controlled in south Smoke Endangers Malacca Straits El Gobierno de Aragón prepara un Plan especial de Cortafuegos Fire officials: Better mapping would have aided firefighters Portugal sends troops to fight fires Loggers Going Into Oregon Old Growth Reserve on Biscuit Fire Burns, fire improve forest health Incendios Forestales en el Parque Natural de Cazorla, Segura y Las
Villas Governor writes to federal government about air tankers Incendio forestal se acerca a la capital ecuatoriana Luego de cinco días controlan incendio forestal en el Cusco Chile: Torres del Paine: CONAF podría restringir acceso a zonas
afectadas por el incendio Plantation: We are not behind fires Haze in Malaysia worsens as firemen battle bush fires Fire haze shrouds Los Angeles area Portugal : sept nouveaux foyers d’incendie Cuatro municipios de Huila afrontan un incendio forestal UNEP: The Global Environment Outlook Year Book 2004/2005 Chile: Torres del Paine: CONAF podría restringir acceso a zonas
afectadas por el incendio Questions à … Raymond Rakotondrasoa, Directeur de la
protection de la diversité biologique Culpan a grupos religioso de incendio forestal en Montevideo Haze in Malaysia worsens as firemen battle bush fires Indonesia: Forest fire agency demand autonomy UNEP: The Global Environment Outlook Year Book 2004/2005 GFMC: Statement COFO 16 March 2005 Malaysia: Post Raja Muda Musa Forest Reserve Fire: Hard to gauge
extent of damage La UVA firma un convenio con el Ministerio de Medio
Ambiente para combatir los incendios forestales Spain: Un incendio forestal arrasa 100 hectáreas en Elduain y cierra
seis horas la A-15 Republica Dominicana: 400 hombres hombres logran reducir losincendios en la Cordillera Central Indonesia: Forest fire agency demand autonomy Se incrementa el índice de peligrosidad de incendios
forestales en Misiones GFMC: Statement COFO 16 March 2005 Republica Dominicana: 400 hombres hombres logran reducir los
incendios en la Cordillera Central New report shows wildfire threat: Its high Malaysia: Post Raja Muda Musa Forest Reserve Fire: Hard to gauge
extent of damage Precautions help property in forests Spain: Un incendio forestal arrasa 100 hectáreas en Elduain y cierra
seis horas la A-15 Forest Fire Ravages Historic Temple Republica Dominicana: 400 hombres hombres logran reducir los
incendios en la Cordillera Central National Guard Eyed in Fire Season New report shows wildfire threat: Its high Precautions help property in forests Chile: Torres del Paine: CONAF podría restringir acceso a zonas
afectadas por el incendio Cape fire under control, but warning stands Haze in Malaysia worsens as firemen battle bush fires Forest Fire Ravages Historic Temple Eurasian Forest Map May Arrive Late at Expo-2005 Quito combate los incendios forestales National Guard Eyed in Fire Season Kiev is covered with pall of smoke UNEP: The Global Environment Outlook Year Book 2004/2005 Fire officials: Better mapping would have aided firefighters Loggers Going Into Oregon Old Growth Reserve on Biscuit Fire Governor writes to federal government about air tankers Calor, baja humedad y viento impiden controlar incendio Bages Elko explosive identified as wildfire device Time to get serious about the haze Firefighters bring huge Spanish forest fire under control Sumatra fires almost extinguished Indonesia combatirá incendios forestales con lluvia artificial GAO’s new report on fire management Gunung Kenderung forest fire doused by downpour Lebanon’s fire fighters get a helping hand Portugal forest fires continue spreading TO DOUSE THE RAGING FOREST FIRE Russia offers to help Europe fight forest fires Siguen fuera de control 11 incendios forestales en Portugal Los incendios forestales arrasan en Galicia más de 36.000
hectáreas durante el mes de agosto Le pyromane de la forêt de Médiouna devant la justice Intereses urbanísticos y madereros se esconden tras los incendios
forestales Governor’s Office of Energy Management Grants set for rural fire risk reduction Los bomberos logran controlar todos los incendios forestales de
Portugal Our firemen to battle peat fires GFMC: Recent Media Highlights on Fire, Policies, and Politics – September 2005 Actos de sabotaje contra unidades productivas de la firma Victoria
S.A. GFMC: Recent Media Highlights on Fire, Policies, and Politics – 2005 Deliberately started ‘forest fires’? FEDERAL AGENCIES’ AERIAL RESOURCES ARE READY FOR 2005 FIRE SEASON Long Drought May Ignite Cuban Forests Forest fire danger rises in hot spell Medio Ambiente permite ya la quema de rastrojos en todas las
zonas donde no haya riesgo de incendio Wildfire drones: Spy planes tested to fight Western fires Ong: Be extra careful about fires during hot spell Preocupa quema de campo que contamina el ambiente Russia, China to share forest fire information Governor’s Office of Energy Management GAO’s new report on fire management Forest fire In storm-devastated area Sistema de pronósticos evita incendios Gunung Kenderung forest fire doused by downpour Diputados repudian los actos intencionales que provocaron los
incendios forestales en Andalgalá Haze Watch: Contractors to blame Important feu de forêt en Valais: trois hélicoptères
engagés Briton arrested after forest fire Haze Watch: Long-term solution sought Uno de cada tres incendios en las Islas no se resuelve tras
las investigaciones Brunei Hosts Asean Environmental Meeting Thousands of bees die in fire near Butte College ndonesia’s Sumatra island cloaked in haze Long Drought May Ignite Cuban Forests Two UC Berkeley projects in progress to remove fire-hazardous
trees from campus property in hills Ong: Be extra careful about fires during hot spell GAO’s new report on fire management Voraces incendios forestales en el norte de Los Angeles Gunung Kenderung forest fire doused by downpour Fire Officials Concerned About Return of Santa Ana Winds Fires due to swamps drying up, says group “Los incendios aumentan en forma progresiva” ndonesia’s Sumatra island cloaked in haze Forests could be key to curbing global warming Bombero voluntario muere combatiendo incendio forestal en el
Cusco Más de 155 mil incendios forestales se han registrado en
Chile en últimos 42 años Xunta gastó más 69 millones lucha contra incendios forestales Fires due to swamps drying up, says group Fire Department Operating Without Crucial Fire Truck Una delegación Parlamento Europeo visitará zona el 11 de
enero Forests could be key to curbing global warming U.S.A.: Nature Mimics Industry Fire destroys million-dollar home Fire destroys lemongrass and saplings Mexico: Combaten brigadistas incendio forestal en Veracruz U.S.A.: Nature Mimics Industry Detectarán incendios forestales con tecnología de punta Fire destroys lemongrass and saplings The Philippines: Philippine environment: In deep trouble Large forest fire breaks out in Papago Culpables los vacacionistas de gran porcentaje de incendios
forestales Fighting shack fires taken to another plane Fight forest fire in Baoruco National Park Chile sues Czech tourist for causing forest fire Field fire causes LP tank explosion Up to 100 firefighters attack forest fire U.S.A.: Nature Mimics Industry Fire destroys lemongrass and saplings Mexico: Combaten brigadistas incendio forestal en Veracruz If You Can’t Stop the Fire, Make It Safer The Philippines: Philippine environment: In deep trouble Incendio forestal pone en peligro complejo arqueológico de Machu
Picchu Large forest fire breaks out in Papago ndonesia’s Sumatra island cloaked in haze Grants set for rural fire risk reduction Fighting shack fires taken to another plane Chile sues Czech tourist for causing forest fire Field fire causes LP tank explosion Living memorial: Forest Service to honor firefighters in Saturday
ceremony Fires due to swamps drying up, says group If You Can’t Stop the Fire, Make It Safer Forest fire continues in NE. China with more artificial
rainfall planned Governor’s Office of Energy Management Incendie dans les Landes: 60 hectares de pins brûlés, deux
blessés légers Forests could be key to curbing global warming Incendio forestal en los campos de María Behety Cloud Seeding To Help Put Out Peat Fires Long Drought May Ignite Cuban Forests Fire crews from south join northern fight Sidi Bel Abbès – La forêt de Tiffilès brûle Los incendios forestales están fuera de control Grants set for rural fire risk reduction Ong: Be extra careful about fires during hot spell Tanzania: Forest fires, illegal logging threaten Mt. Kilimanjaro:
survey Prácticamente controlados los seis incendios forestales que han
arrasado 7.500 hectáreas nvestigative arm of Congress says wildfire strategy needs focus Incendies de forêt dans l’Aude et les Pyrénées-Orientales 3,000 forest fires in four months Pedaling through a post-fire forest Drought increases fire risk across Europe GFMC: Recent Media Highlights on Fire, Policies, and Politics – April 2005 Deux hectares de pin senvolent en fumée Haze Watch: Riau villagers unperturbed Wet winter in northern Nevada has fire officials worried Los incendios forestales continúan su avance incontrolado por toda
España Spain Scolds Careless Public: You Can Prevent Forest Fires Forest fire put out in Sichuan Forest fire breaks out in N. China More acres consumed by fewer fires 2005 fire season officially begins Tanzania: Forest fires, illegal logging threaten Mt. Kilimanjaro:
survey Forest Fires Gradually Dying Away In Russian Far East How much smoke is on the horizon for 2005 fire seaon? Detectan incendio forestal cerca de Machu Picchu Portugal arresta más de 100 personas por incendios forestales Shamans sought to help make rain Incendios Forestales más potestades a las CC. AA. La norma del Consell no evitaría incendios forestales como el de
LOS RIOS PERENE Y ENE Burn Ban In Effect In City Of Forest Following Hurricane Most of Borneo’s lowland forests could be lost within the next decade Plus de 27 000 ha détruits par des incendies du 1er juin au
7 octobre nvestigative arm of Congress says wildfire strategy needs focus 3,000 forest fires in four months El ferrocarril causa más de 115 incendios forestales anuales El Gobierno advierte del «riesgo extremo» de incendios forestales
en Andalucía occidental With no big fires, 6,000 wildland firefighters help Gulf
recovery Nicaragua: A proteger millones de pinitos South Korea, Japan Offer Help For Asean To Tackle Haze MVFC Gets Grant For Forest Fire Protection Fire-warning in six forest areas Se mantienen activos cuatro focos incendio forestal Cantabria Incendios forestales provocan evacuaciones en los alrededores
de Los Angeles Sobrevuelan zona de incendios forestales en Puno Bomberos lograron controlar incendio forestal que amenazaba
áreas de Los Angeles Los incendios de este verano llegaron a quemar 1.000
hectáreas por hora nvestigative arm of Congress says wildfire strategy needs focus Wildfire difficult to handle in changing West 3,000 forest fires in four months Incendio dañó 15 viviendas y ya arrasó 700 hectaréas More fire fears as four provinces burn Nicaragua: A proteger millones de pinitos Cooperación alemana promueve prevención de incendios
forestales Haze fears return as two Malaysian districts record unhealthy
air quality Wapama Fire Grows In Yosemite National Park Vancouver breathes better as bog blaze dissipates Indonesia’s annual forest damage at 2.8 million hectares:
minister Fire-safe cigarettes bill irks critics Researchers: 2005 could be dangerous fire year in SW Idaho Voluntarios no apagarán incendios forestales Controlado fuego forestal en suroeste dominicano Just part of the team: 5 female firefighters follow Red Lodge
tradition Incendio forestal en XI Región ha consumido más de 200
hectáreas Fire-safe cigarettes bill irks critics Researchers: 2005 could be dangerous fire year in SW Idaho State managed forest fire surveillance flights to be reintroduced in
Sweden Nicaragua: A proteger millones de pinitos Avanza incendio forestal sin freno Tanzania: Forest fires, illegal logging threaten Mt. Kilimanjaro:
survey World Bank to Issue Grant to Russia for Forest Protection Just part of the team: 5 female firefighters follow Red Lodge
tradition Désiré : un dispositif pour comprendre le comportement du feu Former A-10 jet ‘tank killer’ pilot crusades for new generation of
‘Firehog’ tankers Strong winds increasing fire danger State managed forest fire surveillance flights to be reintroduced in
Sweden Fire ravages Bhitarkanika wildlife sanctuary Governor vows full funding for air tankers, fire engines Extinguen incendios forestales en nordeste de China Blaze destroys 62ha of conservation reserve At least 11 people killed at forest fire in central Spain Gran incendio forestal en las sierras cordobesas Global warming threat to forests Underground peat fires at reserve ‘will burn for days’ Los incendios forestales que arrasan Jaén y León avanzan sin
control Debate ‘Agora’ propone endurecer las penas para las
imprudencias Waldbrandgefahr durch Katalysatoren