In response to requests by governments, NGOs, regional / multilateral / intergovernmental and international organizations, the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) is serving the Science-Policy-Practitioners Interface (SPPI). GFMC services in general are contributed on a honorary, non-financial basis as well as in the frame of donor-funded projects. Recognitions awarded by governments, national and international institutions and organizations are proudly accepted.
United Nations
United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction (2001)
2nd Zayed International Prize for the Environment 2005 for co-authoring the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005, with UN Secretary General Kofi Anan)
The director of GFMC, Johann Georg Goldammer, contributed to the “Second Assessment. Climate Change. A Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Chapter 1: Climate Change Impacts on Forests” (1995), a report of the IPCC, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.
IPCC Second Assessment on Climate Change (1995) (PDF)
Professor Niklas Gold Medal, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Germany (2020)
Political Thanksgiving meeting by the German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft) and presentation of the Professor Niklas Medal for GFMC’s significant contribution to fire management worldwide; Berlin, Germany, 06 October 2020.
Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
On the occasion of the Day of German Unity, on 1 October 2024, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier personally presented Johann Georg Goldammer, head of the GFMC, with the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon at his official residence, Bellevue Palace in Berlin.
- Press releases of Max Planck Institute for Chemistry: English (mirrored by GFMC); German (mirrored by GFMC)
- Press release of Freiburg University (mirrored by GFMC)
Honorary Doctor Degree, Aristotelion National University of Thessaloniki, Greece (2022)
- Announcement of the event (PDF)
- Speeches (PDF)
- Press release by Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (English) (German)
- Bintang Jasa Utama (Star of Service), President of Republic of Indonesia (2021)
- President Jokowi Gives Honorary Signs (Office of the President of Indonesia, 12 August 2021)
- Jokowi Gives Main Service Star to Forest Fire Researcher from Germany (Kompas, Indonesia, 12 August 2021)
- Mahfud Md Explains why a German Scientist gets the Major Service Star from Jokowi (Tempo76, 12 August 2021)
- Handing over the Award at UNFCCC COP-26 in Glasgow (UK) on 04 November 2021: Bintang Jasa Utama for Forest Fire Control(Media Reports, 05-06 November 2021)
- Press release by GFMC / Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (09 November 2021) (English) (German); mirrored on GFMC Archive: (English) (German)
Honorary Doctor Degree, Mongolian State University of Agriculture (2007)
Certificate of Honour, Ministry of Environment, Green Development and Tourism of Mongolia (2015)
Mongolia National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) State Medal Class III for Disaster Reduction (2015)
Russian Federation
Medal of the Russian Government for “Saving and Multiplying the Forest Resources of Russia” (1999)
Memorial badge of the Federal Forest Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of the Russian Federation, for the Merits in Protecting the Forests of the Russian Federation (2009)
Memorial Medals of the Aerial Forest Fire Center Avialesookhrana, Russian Federation.
The medals were awarded to GFMC Chief in 2011, 2016 and 2021.
Award “El Batefuego de Oro” (The Golden Fire Swatter) (2008)
The El Batefuego de Oro 2008 “International Category” was awarded to GFMC.
Honorary Doctor Degree, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (2013)
The honorary doctor degree to the head of GFMC was awarded on 01 September 2013 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
European Environment Foundation
At the 7th International Convention of Environmental Laureates, GFMC Chief Goldammer was included as laureate of the European Environment Foundation:
- (mirrored by GFMC repository; PDF)
Institutional Recognitions
Costa Rica
Programa Nacional de Manejo del Fuego SINAC-MINAE and Comisión Nacional sobre Incendios Forestales (CONIFOR) (2010)
Recognition awarded at the occasion of the Joint Meetings of the UNISDR Wildland Fire Advisory Group (WFAG), the Fire Aviation Working Group (FAWG), International Liaison Committee (ILC) for the 5th International Wildland Fire Conference and Fire Management on 29 June 2010.
New Zealand
North Macedonia
Faculty for Forestry Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje (2017)
Certificate of Appreciation for supporting the development of the Faculty (28 December 2017)
Earlier Awards
Wilhelm Leopold Pfeil Award (Wilhelm-Leopold-Pfeil Preis)
The stipend of the 1977 award was presented to GFMC Chief(at that stage, Hesse State Forest Service, Germany, foundation of the Fire Ecology Research Group in preparation)