Eurasian Fire in Nature Conservation Network (EFNCN)
EFNCN Members
Introduction | Objectives | Members | Eurasia White Paper | EFNCN Projects | Meetings | Background Information | Links | Contact
After an initial phase in 2000-2001 the idea of the European Fire in Nature Conservation Network was supported by the Symposium Fire Ecology and Fire Management held at the GFMC, December 2002. A first network member list has been developed which includes most of the projects in Germany and neighbour countries. Those actively involved in prescribed burning in the region and interested in networking are included in the following list:
- Network Member List (Status: January 2007)
This list is open for all those who are actively doing prescribed fire research and application. Those who wish to be included in the list (which is also a list for circulation of news) are kindly asked to contact the GFMC.