GFMC and The World Bank
The mission of the World Bank is to fight poverty. An important part of this mission is providing assistance to prepare for and recover from natural or human-induced disasters. The World Bank Group has established two institutional arrangements in the field of wildfire disaster risk management:
The Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) is a partner of the ProVention Consortium
The history of the World Bank’s involvement in the field of landscape fire disaster management is reflected by the following documents that date back to 1998:
- World Bank Finances Emergency Fire Prevention and Control Project in the Amazon Rainforest
- Amazon Emergency Fire Prevention and Control Project PROARCO
- World Bank Workshop “Fire Hazards, Transboundary Haze and Sustainable Forestry in East Asia and the Pacific”(Surabaya, Indonesia, 9-12 December 1998)
The following World Bank-funded fire management project was launched in 2005 and supported by GFMC:
The GFMC has supported the development of this project.