World Bank to Issue Grant to Russia for Forest Protection
WorldBank to Issue Grant to Russia for Forest Protection
6June 2005
publishedby ITAR-TASS
Moscow — The World Bank is ready to issue to Russia a 8.6 million dollargrant for a programme of forest protection from fires in the south of theRussian Far East, said Kristalina Georgieva, the World Bank’s country directorfor Russia.
She saidat in international inter-governmental conference on administration in theforest sector in Moscow that the project would engage the Primorye andKhabarovsk regions and the Jewish autonomous area.
PRIME-TASSquoted her as saying that the south of the Russian Far East is a region ofglobal ecological importance, as it is an area of unique the plant and animalworld that must be preserved.
Thegrant will go into measures to expand a system of forest protection that atpresent covers only the commercially used forest.
Thegrant will allow including in the system the forest that is not usedeconomically.
Georgievasaid a pilot project of sustainable forest use is being implemented in Russia.
TheWorld Bank has issued a 60 million dollar loan for the project.