GFMC: International Wildland Fire Response Operators and Material Suppliers

Related Information for International Wildfire Emergency Assistance:

Related Information for International Wildfire Emergency Assistance:

International Agreements | Satellite Data | Operators and Equipment | Exercises

Editorial Note by GFMC: This webpage dates back to the late 1990s, at a time when the WWW was not yet advanced and search engines not yet available. A few updates have been made since then. For historic reasons, this webpage is maintained.

The following companies or organizations are collaborating with the Global Fire Monitoring Center in providing fire fighting assistance in large wildland fire emergencies. Additional addresses have been taken from the World Wide Web. A list of international wildland fire experts available for rapid assessment, training and response missions is on file at the GFMC.

Note: The deployment / involvement of international fire management experts by GFMC and its partners (notably in cooperation with focal points of the UNISDR Global Wildland Fire Network) for wildfire emergency assessment and / or coordination of response has been realized in a number of cases through cooperative agreements with countries or the United Nations (UNEP/OCHA), e.g., the Ethiopia fire emergency in 2000, Viet Nam 2002, Peru 2006; Armenia/Azerbaijan 2006; Kosovo 2007.

I. International Response Groups Cooperating with the GFMC

II. Other Wildland Fire Management Services


III. Other Aerial Wildland Firefighting Services


South Africa


IV. Suppliers of Firefighting Equipment

The following list will be expanded gradually. It will include those commercial suppliers that either have firefighting equipment on stock or readily available through their system.

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