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Links to CBFiM Projects and Programmes

South Sumatra Forest Fire Management Project (SSFFMP)
The South Sumatra Forest Fire Management Project is a technical co-operation project between the Government of Indonesia and the European Union, and is part of the larger European Commission – Indonesia Forestry Programme. The project is implemented in the Province of South Sumatra through various governmental and non-governmental organizations at the provincial, district and village levels. The Ministry of Forestry is the Executing Agency at national level. The Office of the Governor of South Sumatra Province acts as the Implementing Agency and is responsible for steering, co-ordinating and supporting the Project at the provincial level. The project started in mid January 2003 and has a projected duration of five years (current termination date: December 2008). The project activities are grouped into five main project components (Rural Institutional Development, Fire Management, Participatory Planning for Sustainable Natural Resource Management, Fire Monitoring, Policy Advocacy). The project is operational in the South Sumatra Province. SSFFMP builds forth on the achievements of an earlier EU funded project, the FFPCP (Forest Fire Prevention and Control Project), which was implemented from 1995 to 2001, also in South Sumatra Province. SSFFMP is involving CBFiM approaches.

Integrated Forest Fire Management Project (IFFM) (Indonesian-German Technical Cooperation)

The Integrated Forest Fire Management (IFFM) project was a 10-years bilateral development project in the province of East Kalimantan, Indonesia, sponsored by Germany and backstopped by the GFMC between 1994 and 2004. IFFM aimed at reducing wildfires and non-sustainable burning practices in natural systems (forest, peatlands, other vegetation) and land-use systems involving CBFiM approaches. The project transited to the East Kalimantan Fire Management Agency:

Project FireFight South East Asia

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and The World Conservation Union (IUCN) between 2000 and 2003 joined forces to develop “Project FireFight South East Asia” (PFFSEA). Implementation of the project was initiated in March 2000 with support from the European Union. The project intended to secure essential policy reform through a strategy of advocacy using syntheses and analysis of existing information supporting new outputs. The project operated at national and regional level across South East Asia making efforts to support and advocate the creation of legislative and economic bases for mitigating harmful anthropogenic forest fires. Products and insights have been developed in each of the three main themes:

  • Community Based Fire Management (CBFiM)

  • Economics of Fire Uses, and

  • Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Forest and Land Fires

 The PFFSEA website expired. An earlier summary of the project’s activities was published by GFMC:

 PFFSEA supported the publication of related meetings, see the following web page:

Other related activities and websites

Calabash Project -Improving Civil Society Participation in Environmental Assessments
A 2-year programme(supported by the World bank) aims to increase the capacity of civil society andlocal communities in the SADC region to be involved in decision making relatedto environmental assessment and strategic environmental assessment. Theprogramme involves research, outreach, communication, partnership building andtraining.

FIRESMART: Forest and land management options to prevent forest fires (Europe)
FIRESMART deals with forest fire prevention. The project wants to highlight and disseminate base knowledge and best practices. If you are a forest stakeholder, anywhere in the world, you can share your successful forest fire prevention practices through the FIRESMART community. If you are interested, you are welcome to join and share your experience with all the linked community.

Firewise Communities Program (U.S.A.)
Brush, grass and forest fires don’t have to be disasters. NFPA’s Firewise Communities Program encourages local solutions for safety by involving homeowners in taking individual responsibility for preparing their homes from the risk of wildfire. Firewise is a key component of Fire Adapted Communities – a collaborative approach that connects all those who play a role in wildfire education, planning and action with comprehensive resources to help reduce risk.

South Dakota Wildfire Awareness Month (U.S.A.)

In May of 2014, South Dakota held its inaugural Wildfire Awareness Week to promote wildfire awareness, safety, and prevention. Through a multi-agency planning committee made up of local, state, and federal partners, many wildland fire public education events were held and opportunities to promote wildfire awareness were created. It was such a great success that we are expanding and joining a multi-state proclamation with California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Utah.


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