Aerial Firefighting International Conference and Exhibition (11-12 November 2010, Istanbul, Turkey)

International Aerial Firefighting International Conference and Exhibition

11-12 November 2010

The Sheraton Istanbul Maslak Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey

NOTE: Conference has moved to Spain, 2 and 3 December 2010,
please click here for more information

The Conference is organized by Tangent Link in association with:
Fire Aviation Working Group
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Response (UN-ISDR) Wildland Fire Advisory Group
Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC)

The International Aerial Firefighting Conference and Exhibition is the world’s leading event focusing on this prominent subject and is back in Europe this November, bringing experts together to address the issues of Aerial Fire Suppression on a global scale.

For more information, to register your interest or to book please contact:

Exhibiting or Sponsorship:

Geraldine Mckenzie
Client Liaison Manager
Tel: +44 1628 550043

Delegate bookings:

Rebecca Covey
Event Coordinator
Tel:+44 1628 550047

Please see the web pages of the previous International Aerial Firefighting Conferences, including the conference reports:


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