Vatra guta dinaru, a na terenu su samo 4 vatrogasca – Stipe Božić ogorčen: ‘Požar je katastrofalan, a nikoga nije briga’

 Vatra guta dinaru, a na terenu su samo 4 vatrogasca – Stipe Božić ogorčen: ‘Požar je katastrofalan, a nikoga nije briga’

24 July 2017

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Croatia – Požar koji je Dinaru zahvatio još tijekom subote, jučer se proširio. Vatra se i dalje nekontrolirano širi, a sada se svi nadaju najavljenoj promjeni vremena i kiši koja bi mogla zaustaviti trenutačno najveći požar u zemlji.

Požar su jučer gasile i zračne snage, no zasad neuspješno pa je kiša trenutačno jedina nada. Na Dinari gori područje sjevernije od Bitelića, na predjelu Vrdovo, a vatra je zahvatila većinom travu i nisko raslinje. Prema pisanju portala Dalmacija danas, opožarena površina je veća od 500 hektara.

Srećom, od vatre su obranjeni planinarski dom na Vrdovu i okolne vikendice. Katastrofalan požar na terenu je gasilo svega nekoliko vatrogasaca, a iako su iz HGSS-a ponudili svoju pomoć u vidu ljudi i opreme, nitko im se nije javio.

Više od 500 hektara opožareno

“Naš čovjek je još tijekom subote obišao teren. Na planini se nalaze svega četiri vatrogasca. Neki ljudi gase svoje pčele, tu je nekoliko pripadnika pogranične policije. Ponudili smo Centru 112 desetak ljudi, tri vozila, 20 brentača, bili smo spremni izaći na teren braniti Dinaru od požara. Poslije toga nam se nitko nije javio. Sada je požar postao katastrofalan. Proširio se na Vještić Goru. Očito vlada stav da Dinara nije ničija pa nikoga nije briga da gori. Još u subotu vatrena linija je bila duga 3-4 kilometra, a u nedjelju navečer narasla je na 15-ak kilometara. Gdje su vatrogasci?”, rekao je proslavljeni hrvatski alpinist i član HGSS-a Stipe Božić za Dalmaciju danas.

Područje koje gori pripada projektu “Natura 2000” u koji spada bogata flora i fauna dinarskog područja. Požar uništava vrijedan biljni i životinjski svijet koji će se teško ponovno oplemeniti. Sva divljač s ovog područja bježi pred požarom u susjednu BiH. Opožareni prostor je i jedini u Europi na kojem žive sve tri zmije otrovnice: riđovka, poskok i žutokrug. Također, ovo područje je bogato i endemskim biljkama i endemskom vrstom ptica – planinska ševa, navodi Dalmacija danas.

Stradala bogata flora i fauna Dinare

Prema zasad neslužbenim informacijama, požar je krenuo iz jednog poddinarskog zaseoka, a nenamjerno ga je izazvala jedna žena, piše taj portal.

Prema najnovijim informacijama, požar trenutno gasi 40 vatrogasaca DVD-a Sinj, DVD-a Trilj, DVD-a Vrlika te županijski sezonci, a na raspolaganju im je 8 vozila, prenosi sinjska Ferata.

Zapovjednik sinjskog DVD-a-a Stipe Ančić kazao je da, iako požar vizualno izgleda jako loše, stanje na požarištu je zadovoljavajuće te za sada ne prijeti vikend naselju u Jukića stajama.

English version of the news. Note: the news has been translated by Google translator.

Fire consumes dinars, and only 4 firefighters are on the ground – Stipe Christmas is outraged: ‘Fire is catastrophic and nobody cares’

The fire that hit the Dinar still during the Sabbath spread yesterday. Fire continues to be uncontrollably expanding, and now everyone is hoping for the announced change of time and rain that could halt the current biggest fire in the country.

The fire had fired air force yesterday, but nowadays it is unsuccessful, so rain is the only hope now. The Dinar is burning north of Bitelic, in the area of ​​Vrdovo, and the fire has affected mostly grass and low vegetation. According to the portal of Dalmatia today, the flamed area is over 500 hectares.

Luckily, a mountain lodge on Vrdov and surrounding cottages have been defended. There were only a few firefighters on the ground, and even though they offered human and equipment help from HGSS, no one had heard of them.

More than 500 hectares fired

“Our man was still on the field during the Sabbath. There are only four firefighters on the mountain. Some people are throwing their bees, there are several border police officers. We offered to Center 112 a dozen people, three vehicles, 20 bucks, we were ready to go to the ground to defend the Dinar from the fire. After that, no one answered us. Now the fire has become disastrous. He expanded to Mount Vuko. It is obvious that Dinara is nothing but nobody cares to burn. Still Saturday, the fire line was a long 3-4 kilometers long, and on Sunday night it was 15 miles away. Where are the firefighters? “Said the celebrated Croatian climber and member of the HGSS Stipe Božić for Dalmatia today.

The area that is burning belongs to the “Natura 2000” project, which includes rich flora and fauna of the Dinaric area. The fire destroys a valuable plant and animal world that will be difficult to regenerate again. All the game from this area runs away before the fire in neighboring BiH. The sprinkled space is the only one in Europe where all three venom snakes live: ribbon, cheeks and yellow cheetah. Also, this area is rich in endemic plants and endemic bird species – mountain sheep, quoted Dalmatia today.

It has a rich flora and fauna of Dinara

According to unofficial information, the fire started out of a subordinate hamlet and unintentionally was caused by a woman, writes that portal.

According to the latest information, 40 firefighters of the Sinj DVD, Trilj DVD, Vrlika DVD and county seizures are currently fired, and 8 vehicles are available, according to Sinata Ferata.

Commander of the Sinj DVD, Stipe Ančić, said that although the fire looks visually badly, the fire situation is satisfactory and for now it does not threaten the weekend settlement in the Jukić stalls.

Portugal is to reduce the number of eucalyptus groves after the highly flammable plant was blamed for last month’s deadly forest fires.  

Parliament voted for the measure Wednesday as part of ongoing forest law reforms that started in April, before the blaze in the central Pedrogao Grande region that killed 64 people and injured more than 250.

Prime Minister Antonio Costa last week urged measures to prevent a repeat catastrophe, while also highlighting the challenges of forest redevelopment.

“We can’t refuse to curb the growth of eucalyptus because we’re worried about its impact on the paper industry,” he said last week, referring to a sector that represents 4.9 percent of Portuguese exports.

Eucalyptus is Portugal’s most widespread forest plant, according to the country’s Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests.

But it is cited as a cause of that lay waste annually to around 100,000 hectares of vegetation.

Read more at: is to reduce the number of eucalyptus groves after the highly flammable plant was blamed for last month’s deadly forest fires.  

Parliament voted for the measure Wednesday as part of ongoing forest law reforms that started in April, before the blaze in the central Pedrogao Grande region that killed 64 people and injured more than 250.

Prime Minister Antonio Costa last week urged measures to prevent a repeat catastrophe, while also highlighting the challenges of forest redevelopment.

“We can’t refuse to curb the growth of eucalyptus because we’re worried about its impact on the paper industry,” he said last week, referring to a sector that represents 4.9 percent of Portuguese exports.

Eucalyptus is Portugal’s most widespread forest plant, according to the country’s Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests.

But it is cited as a cause of that lay waste annually to around 100,000 hectares of vegetation.

Read more at: is to reduce the number of eucalyptus groves after the highly flammable plant was blamed for last month’s deadly forest fires.

Parliament voted for the measure Wednesday as part of ongoing forest law reforms that started in April, before the blaze in the central Pedrogao Grande region that killed 64 people and injured more than 250.

Prime Minister Antonio Costa last week urged measures to prevent a repeat catastrophe, while also highlighting the challenges of forest redevelopment.

“We can’t refuse to curb the growth of eucalyptus because we’re worried about its impact on the paper industry,” he said last week, referring to a sector that represents 4.9 percent of Portuguese exports.

Eucalyptus is Portugal’s most widespread forest plant, according to the country’s Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests.

But it is cited as a cause of that lay waste annually to around 100,000 hectares of vegetation.

Read more at: is to reduce the number of eucalyptus groves after the highly flammable plant was blamed for last month’s deadly forest fires.  

Parliament voted for the measure Wednesday as part of ongoing forest law reforms that started in April, before the blaze in the central Pedrogao Grande region that killed 64 people and injured more than 250.

Prime Minister Antonio Costa last week urged measures to prevent a repeat catastrophe, while also highlighting the challenges of forest redevelopment.

“We can’t refuse to curb the growth of eucalyptus because we’re worried about its impact on the paper industry,” he said last week, referring to a sector that represents 4.9 percent of Portuguese exports.

Eucalyptus is Portugal’s most widespread forest plant, according to the country’s Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests.

But it is cited as a cause of that lay waste annually to around 100,000 hectares of vegetation.

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