Haze has economic repercussions: SBF

Haze has economic repercussions: SBF

20 June 2013

published by www.channelnewsasia.com

Singapore —The Singapore Business Federation has warned of the impact of haze conditions on productivity and business operations.

The Singapore Business Federation has warned of the impact of haze conditions on productivity and business operations.

Chief Operating Officer Victor Tay said the haze is not just a health hazard, but it also has economic repercussions.

Mr Tay said a wide range of industries, from construction, logistics to retail and tourism, will be hit by the haze.

The federation, which represents almost 20,000 businesses in Singapore, is urging members to observe safety guidelines set by the Ministry of Manpower.

SBF said it intends to collaborate with its counterpart apex business chamber in Indonesia – the Indonesia Chamber of Commerce (KADIN) – to urge member companies of SBF and KADIN with plantation operations in the island of Sumatra to abide by the “no burn” policy and maintain eco-friendly business practices.

SBF also appealed to the Indonesian authorities to do their best to reign in the haze.

It pointed out that trans-boundary issues such as the haze will negatively impact the economic viability of ASEAN and its goal of establishing a single market and production base by 2015.

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