A Smokey Night once again for many in Eleuthera…North, Central and South

A Smokey Night once again for many in Eleuthera…North, Central and South

18 May 2013

published by www.eleutheranews.com

Bahamas — It is a smokey night, yet again, for many across Eleuthera with bush fires burning, and very dry weather conditions. On approach to the Glass Window Bridge late in the day on Friday a bellowing cloud of smoke could be seen over the North Eleuthera settlements of Lower and Upper Bogue.

Getting closer to the smouldering plumes revealed the primary source of the smoke was fire burning deep in the bush behind the North Eleuthera Airport, which sent towering clouds of smoke in the air and blankets of the eye irritating, sinus aggravating, scent entrenching stuff across homes in the surrounding area. “We’ve been shut down since the weekend”, shared a resident of Upper Bogue, who said Friday was much better compared to what they had experienced on Thursday, describing even thicker white smoke settled around the town.

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