Canadian UAV Competition Tests Ability To Locate Forest Fires

Canadian UAV Competition Tests Ability To Locate Forest Fires

05 May 2013

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Canada — Alma, QC – Ten university student teams from across Canada competed in the Operational Phase of the 5thUnmanned Systems Canada UAV Student Competition hosted by Ville d’Alma at the Centre d’excellence sur les drones (UAS CE). The teams were challenged to use unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) in support of forest fire fighting. They were tasked with automatically locating targets that would represent points of interest in an actual forest fire fighting scenario in the remote Canadian wilderness, using their own experimental unmanned aircraft flying under the control of autopilots.

All teams who participated in the operational phase of the competition received a cash award; overall $12,000.00 of prize money was awarded to the teams.

“It’s incredibly satisfying to see the rapid growth in capability that these teams bring to our annual competition,” said Eric Edwards, Chairman of Unmanned Systems Canada. “We provide a safe environment where the students can fully exercise their technical creativity, and the results are just stunning. They are self-motivated, and they are the best of the best from their respective faculties. The corporate sponsors of this event thoroughly enjoyed meeting each of them and seeing their potential future employees at the top of their game, under a bit of competitive stress and dealing with real-life complications.”

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