Bushfire victims told to register for class action

Bushfire victims told to register for class action

01 february 2013

published by www.au.news.yahoo.com

Australia — Victims of the Kilmore East bushfire on Black Saturday have been warned that time is running out to register for a class action in the Supreme Court.

Law firm Maurice Blackburn says 7,500 people have joined the action, but there could be more.

After delays over finding a suitable courtroom, the trial is due to start on March 4.

Maurice Blackburn associate Rory Walsh says people have previously been told they did not need to a actively participate, but things have changed.

He says registering will not cost anything, but the consequences of not registering are serious.

“If the class action is successful and you haven’t registered your claim by 4:00pm on 22 March this year, you’ll not be able recover compensation in the class action for any personal injury losses you’ve suffered,” he said.
“Furthermore if the case is resolved via a settlement and you’ve suffered uninsured property losses, registering with the class action is the only avenue you have to recover your losses.”


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