Haze is poor man’s revenge

Haze is poor man’s revenge

04 March 2012

published by www.bangkokpost.com

Thailand — The fires which are causing bad air quality in the North are in effect a poor man’s revenge on us all. Poor farmers burn their fields since they can’t afford any other method of weeding. Hill tribe people burn the common forest because it generates mushrooms after the first rains, which apparently earn them 2,000 baht a day at markets.

The police are too poorly staffed to catch a few offenders and make examples of them, and the average northern villager is too poorly educated to understand the hazards of an environment made smoky from routine burning of organic rubbish.

As for the poor officials, they just blame it all on the poor old people in Myanmar.

The ”solution” is to be rich enough to afford air-conditioning and air purifiers, since no one else seems willing or able to tackle the underlying causes.

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