Dmitry Medvedev was briefed on the situation in Altai Territory

Dmitry Medvedev was briefed on the situation in Altai Territory

09 September 2010

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Russia:  The President spoke by telephone with Minister of Emergency Situations Sergei Shoigu and Governor of Altai Territory Alexander Karlin who briefed him on the current situation in the area, as well as on the measures being taken to localise fires and provide assistance to victims.

In particular, Alexander Karlin reported that all residents of affected counties have been duly evacuated and efforts to provide them with temporary lodging are being made.

The President ordered to submit all information required for paying compensations to the people for lost properties within the amounts set by government decision in August.

Mr Medvedev also instructed the Altai governor to draft a list of the local civil servants whose negligence resulted in such tragic consequences.

As a result of the wild fires, over 450 homes in Altai Territory have burned down leaving more than a thousand people homeless.

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