Forest Fire Under Control in Indian Kashmir

Forest Fire Under Control in Indian Kashmir

25 June 2010

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India — Authorities in India’s Jammu and Kashmir just succeeded in putting out a fire that started over the weekend. They say the fire began in a forested area around the Line of Control, a military line that dives Kashmir between India and Pakistan.

Many trees were destroyed.

[Om Prakash, Local]:
“Trees were burning and the smoke spread throughout the whole area. The forest fire affects the atmosphere…Jungle property worth hundreds of thousands of rupees has been destroyed.”

Forest officials say they made locals aware of the dangers of forest fires.

[Gulzar Hussain, District Forest Officer of Rajauri]:
“At one or two places fire broke out but we have taken control of it, fire also spread across the Line of Control and we have taken control of it there. This year we worked on a strategy in three ranges and we have spread awareness among the people as well.”

Locals use green grass from the forest for feeding their cattle and such an incident adds to their woes.

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