Bushfire season ends after 9000 events

Bushfire season ends after 9000 events

01 April 2010

published by news.smh.com.au

Australia —    The NSW bushfire season has officially ended, with firefighters attending more than 9000 incidents over the five-month period.

State Emergency Services minister Steve Whan said the incident tally included 43 major bushfires, which resulted in two emergency alerts being issued to householders, since the start of the season in October.

The NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) declared an end to the 2009/10 bush fire season at midnight on Wednesday.

Mr Whan said in a statement on Thursday the changes to national fire danger ratings and alert levels had helped to keep residents safe during the season.

RFS Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons said the need for public access to accurate and timely information on fires was one of the most important lessons learned from last year’s tragic Victorian bushfires.

This season, the NSW RFS tripled its call taking capacity and upgraded its online communications to ensure better information about fire activity.

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