Brush fire forces traffic jam on Highway 138

Brush fire forces traffic jam on Highway 138

14 March 2010

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USA —  Tuesday proved to be a busy day for Walton County Fire Rescue personnel, including a brush fire that brought traffic to a standstill for hours on Highway 138.

WCFR reported four brush fires after noon, starting with an incident at Highway 11 and Pleasant Valley Road at about 1 p.m. The fire involved 6 acres and required six response vehicles from the county as well as help from the Social Circle Department of Public Safety and Georgia Forestry Commission.

A second fire was reported at 2:30 p.m. on Browning Shoals Road and required much of the same personnel and assistance as approximately 4 acres burned.

The third was also a brush fire along Highway 138. The fire was near Nunnally Farm Road and began at 3:30 p.m., consisting of about 8 acres and required nine response vehicles from WCFR who were assisted again by the Forestry Commission as well as the Monroe Fire Department. Firefighters were later called back out to the scene as the fire rekindled but when firefighters arrived, the fire had been contained within the break GFC officials had plowed.

“During the fires no structures were damaged or anyone hurt,” said Battalion Chief Kevin Haney. “Just a busy day.”

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