Grass Fires A Sign Of A Long and Dry Season Ahead
Grass Fires A Sign Of A Long and Dry Season Ahead
17 February 2010
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USA — Guam – A series of grass fires in recent weeks are a warning from mother nature that we’re in for a very dry season in the months ahead.
5 grass fires ranged across the island over the weekend. Captain Joey Manibusan is Field Supervisor for Fire Prevention. He says a lot of the grassland around the island now is as dry as tinder and all it takes is a cigarette butt to ignite it.
And the National Weather Service is warning that this year’s dry season could be longer and more severe than previous years and its all because of El Nino, again.
Weather officials say we’ve moved into a new phase of the El Nino in which the huge pool of warm water just north of equator that usual hovers within Micronesia, has now migrated further east, beyond the date-line, take the wet and raining weather with it.
National Weather Service Senior Meteorologist Michael Ziobro says that the dry season this year might last until June.
Sunday a grass fire along the Cross Island road shut down the roadway. It was the second time in a week that A grass fire closed the road and some area residents had to be evacuated.
Captain Manibusan cautions residents to be careful with their cigarette butts and cautious about cooking and burning rubbish outside.