Malayia: 600ha of pineapples in B’fort destroyed in blaze

Malayia: 600ha of pineapples in B’fort destroyed in blaze

12 February 2010

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Malaysia — Nearly 600 hectares of pineapple cultivation area and private land have been destroyed after fire gutted the forest at Luagan Sanginan for the sixth day. The fire, which was reported to have started since Saturday, was said to have been caused by human activities.

Officials from the district Forestry Department was on hand to monitor the situation because they feared the fire might spread to the Klias Peat Swamp Forest Reserve, which is on the other side of the riverbank.

The department personnel had tried to prevent the fire from spreading to the forest reserve but their efforts were hampered by the strong wind and the peat forest. Several areas in the district as well as the Beaufort-Weston road were covered in smoke from the fire.

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