Bushfire report ‘lacks’ prescribed burn recommendations
Bushfire report ‘lacks’ prescribed burn recommendations
18 August 2009
published by www.abc.net.au
Australia — Residents of fire-prone areas in south-west Victoria want the Bushfires Royal Commission to take a stance on prescribed burning.
The commission’s interim report has not made recommendations on preventative burns.
Authorities fear there will be a significant threat to the Otway Ranges and Grampians National Park this summer.
The captain of the Willaura Fire Brigade, Anthony Heard, wants prescribed burns to cover 10 per cent of the Grampians each year.
“There’s a huge build-up of fuel in the Grampians in the areas that weren’t affected by the 2006 fires,” he said.
The secretary of the Grampians Asset Protection group, Peter Flinn, says the interim report is disappointing.
“We really want to see the Royal Commission come out and make some definitive statements about the need for fuel reduction burning,” he said.
The commission will resume its public hearings next Monday.