Homeless Victoria bushfire victims face heavy snow

Homeless Victoria bushfire victims face heavy snow

10 June 2009

published by www.3news.co.nz

Australia — Mother Nature has dealt another blow to the victims of Victoria’s bushfires with a dumping of snow in the area around Kinglake.

The fires left many residents homeless and forced them to live in sheds or caravans, they now face months of freezing cold conditions while their homes are rebuilt.

Kinglake has transformed from black to white and residents now face the cruel irony of lighting fires to keep warm.

Carl Amatnieks has been living in a shed since his house burnt down in February, he says building plans have been drawn up but completion is along way off.

“That will be four or five months before the house is finished and then we’ll be able to sit in a nice warm house, instead of a drafty shed,” he says.

Kinglake resident Lisa Bennett says she has only a fan heater and duvet to keep her warm.

“It’s very cold, I was thinking it was going to snow – it was two and half degrees last night when I went to bed,” she says.

Caravans are a luxury in the area with many homeless locals living in their cars.

The Australian government has set aside nine million dollars to assist people over winter.

Construction on houses will be delayed, as conditions are too dangerous for building to begin.

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