S’pore unaffected by haze

S’pore unaffected by haze

21 February 2009

published by www.straitstimes.com

Singapore — Singpore has not been affected by the haze from forest fires in Indonesia’s Sumatra island.

Minister for the Environment and Water Resources Dr Yaacob Ibrahim gave this assurance yesterday when asked by reporters at the sidelines of a Mendaki event at Fort Canning Park.

Media reports last week stated that haze from forest fires in Indonesia’s Riau islands was blowing towards Singapore, and the number of hot spots there was rising.

‘The more important point is the project we have in Jambi. Now, the data is coming online, we are monitoring the air quality, and it showed that there are no fires in the Muaro Jambi area,’ he said.

‘We hope the collaboration that Riau is having with Malaysia will also bear fruit, as the countries in the region take responsibility for this problem, and we will avoid the haze problem altogether,’ he added.

Closer to home, he also urged Singaporeans to do their part in preventing bushfires.

A record 292 fires have erupted in the bushland and forested areas here over the past two months.

Dr Ibrahim stressed the importance of not littering, especially with cigarette butts. Singaporeans must also stay vigilant and alert the authorities immediately if there is a fire.

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