Georgia Counties support forest health with fire

Georgia Counties support forest health with fire

5 February 2008

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Macon, Georgia, USA — As Georgia prepares to mark Prescribed Fire Awareness Week, the Georgia Forestry Commission reports more than two thirds of the state’s counties have passed resolutions supporting the use of this important forest management tool.

   “We are pleased that the prescribed fire message is getting out,” said Alan Dozier, Chief of Forest Protection for the GFC. “As our state’s population nears ten million, it’s critical that local governments understand and support the ecological and public safety benefits of prescribed fire.”
Governor Sonny Perdue will declare February 3-9, 2008 as Prescribed Fire Awareness Week in Georgia.

   Dozier explained that in the hands of experienced practitioners, prescribed fire is helpful in reducing hazardous debris that can fuel wildfires. Prescribed fire also helps prepare sites for planting and regeneration, fosters wildlife habitat, and helps control detrimental insects and forest diseases. 

   “Most of Georgia’s forests evolved with frequent fire,” said Dozier. “To remain vibrant and healthy, fire is still needed.” Dozier emphasized that forests provide the clean water and clean air needed to sustain life. Forests also consume carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

   “We commend these county leaders for passing resolutions in support of prescribed burning,” said Dozier. “These actions go a long way toward keeping our forests healthy.” 

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