“Trees against Fire”, Torraspapel’ Latest Environmental Initiative

“Trees against Fire”, Torraspapel’ Latest Environmental Initiative

22 January 2008

published by www.packagingessentials.com

Spain — Torraspapel is planting trees in a forest in a northwestern region of Spain devastated by fires in the summer of 2006.

Firmly committed to encouraging sustainable development, and working in conjunction with a number of local organisms, Torraspapel, part of the Lecta Group, is taking part in its seventh forest restoration programme with the Spanish NGO Acciónatura. Forest restoration is an essential pillar of Torraspapel’s commitment to society and the environment.

Back in the summer of 2006, a spate of forest fires devastated tens of thousands of hectares of forest and uplands in Galicia, in Northwest Spain. Many landowners realised that they had to commit themselves to recovering the indigenous forests, since those forests can play an important role in controlling river flooding, improving water quality and preventing erosion. And that is why Acciónatura started up a reforestation project in Galicia.

Through this “Trees against Fire” project, Torraspapel is taking part in the recovery and conservation of the mixed autochthonous forest in the municipal district of As Nogais, in the province of Lugo, by re-establishing the original vegetation, and thus reaping the attendant ecological benefits: soil protection, heightened biodiversity World-Seed-Bank Nov-07 , and an enhanced natural landscape.
A long-term biodiversity conservation and restoration project is being started up, involving a commitment to maintenance and active intervention lasting at least 10 years. By agreement with the owners and the local government, the aim is, in a way, to “adopt” this upland area until the work has proved successful enough for it to be handed back to its owners or stewards. The work undertaken will be pursued gradually over several years, as the resources required become available.

Counting this reforestation action, Torraspapel has planted nearly 20,000 trees in the Iberian Peninsula and Brazil since 2004.

This project falls within the framework of of the social and environmental responsibility aspects of Torraspapel’s mission and corporate values. All the technical information on this collaborative effort can be found in the Environment section of Torraspapel’s website –http://www.torraspapel.com  – and in Acciónatura’s website – http://www.accionatura.org

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