Extinguishing Of Fire Near Pribanic Continues
Extinguishing Of Fire Near Pribanic Continues
9 August 2007
published by www.javno.com
This morning, two Canadairs were sent to the fire. The fire spread because of strong winds.
Croatia — The fire near Pribanic in the Gracac area, which was spotted around 1:46pm on Wednesday, continued to be extinguished this morning, reports the central fire-fighting command centre in Duvulje.
The fire ignited at a number of locations along the railway tracks, from which on bushfire was started.
This morning, two Canadair fire-fighting aircraft were sent to the fire, and the fire spread to the east side, in the direction of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The airplanes stopped work around 10:10, but the fire continued to be put out by 14 fire-fighters and 4 fire trucks, it says in thereport.