Report Says Climate Making Forest Fires Bigger
Report Says Climate Making Forest FiresBigger
1 June 2007
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Rome, UN — Climate change is making forest fires around the world bigger andmore intense, increasing the threat to people and the environment and costingcountries millions in damage and firefighting expenses, the United Nations saidThursday.
With estimates of firefighting costs ranging from $450 million to $900million per fire season, some countries _ such as Canada _ may no longer be ableto afford to fight fires with the vigor that they currently do, cautioned thereport from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization.
In a global assessment of forest fires, the Rome-based agency found that 865million acres of vegetation were affected by fires in 2000 alone _ most of it insub-Saharan Africa.
The report noted that not all forest fires are bad and that in some areas,ecosystems need fire for plant regeneration. Fire is also an important andwidely used tool in agriculture. But overall, the report said, forest firescaused immense damage in human, environmental and economic costs _ and areexpected to increase in size and intensity alongside global warming.
The report urged countries to invest more in fire preparedness and prevention,noting that people are the main causes of fires and need to be better educatedabout preventing them.
The report stressed that the data was incomplete since many regions don’trecord the extent of fires because it costs too much. Data from Southeast Asia,for example _ where forest fires in recent years have raised internationalconcern _ was particularly scant. But FAO said the report represented the bestassessment of the global fire situation to date.
North American researchers reported that the incidence and severity of fires”will increase dramatically” with global warming.
In the most recent years for which figures are available, the United Statesrecorded the most severe series of fire seasons since it started collectingstatistics, with more than 7 million acres burned in 2004. Initial figuresindicate that 8.6 million acres were burned in 2005.
Mediterranean countries also said that warmer temperatures and reducedrainfall in summer _ both associated with climate change _ would increase therisk of fires in the region and beyond. That concern was echoed by Caribbeancountries, which noted an increase in fires with the El Nino weather phenomenon.