El Hierro forest fire brought under control

El Hierro forest fire brought under control

14 September 2006

published by www.thinkspain.com

Spain — A forest fire which has destroyed 1,400 hectares of forest land on the island of El Hierro, which falls under the jurisdiction of Santa Cruz de Tenerife provincial council, since last Sunday was finally brought under control late last night, according to a statement from local Emergency chief, Tomás Padrón.

Two hydroplanes and three helicopters provided by the Environment ministry are now focusing on damping down the area in an attempt to minimise the risk of the fire re-igniting as there are apparently isolated forested peaks that are unaffected, and which, it is feared, may fuel the blaze if this precaution is not taken.

Although a perimeter has been established, there remain a number of high risk areas, one of which -the Risco del Mirador de las Playas- is uncomfortably close to the El Pinar residential estate.


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