Bonfiresparks off the winter’s first major forest fire
February 16, 2004 – A forest fire that was noticed around3:30 pm has already burnt more than 100 acres of blue pine forest aboveKhasadrapchu according to forest officials. The fire was still raging at six pm
Volunteers of the RBA rush to put out the fire
A lhakhang at Nyenzergang, above Khasadrapchu, was savedfrom the fire by the local residents. “We managed to remove bushes andother undergrowth around the lhakhang before the fire reached the area, saida Nyenzergang resident.
More than 100 acres of forest have already been burnt
About 300 people, including soldiers from the Royal BhutanArmy, Lungtenphu, trainees of the Bhutan Forestry Institute, forest officers andlocal people are trying to put out the fire.
According to the Thimphu range officer, Rinzin Dorji, the fire was caused bythree boys who had started a small bonfire near the RNR center inKhasadrapchu.
“This is the first major forest fire of the winter under Thimphudzongkhag,” said Rinzin Dorji.”
With failing lights and strong winds, forest officials are skeptical if they cancontrol the fire tonight.