GFMC: Russia: Forest Fire Fighhting to be Strengthened, 19 February 2001

Russia:  Over400 Fires in Russia at Present

24 July 2002

Moscow Over 103 forest fires totalling 95,600 hectares in area areablaze in the Far East Russian region at present.

Thesituation remains worse in the republic of Yakutia, where over more than 70,000hectares of forest area on fire. Since last spring, more than 368,000 hectaresof taiga have burned up in the Far East where 2,519 outbreaks have beenregistered, the regional natural resources department told Itar-Tass.

Thereare from six to eight outbreaks on the Kamchatka Peninsula and in the Amurregion.

Ascompared to the previous week, the situation in the Khabarovsk territory is notcalm any more, as eight new forest fire outbreaks, covering 198 hectares offorest area have been reported on Wednesday.

Atotal of 1,400 people, 20 helicopters and planes and almost 120 units of groundvehicles are fighting the fires in the region.

Thesituation has become worse in the Central Federal district. Thus, over 450hectares in area are ablaze in the Vladimir and Ivanovo regions.

Some5,000 people are fighting the fires in the Central district. Planes, helicoptersand ground vehicles units are also used.Allthe forest fires have been put out in the Komi Republic where two fires brokeout at an area of less than half a hectare on Sunday.Sincethe beginning of the warm season, about 1,596 hectares of taiga have burned upin the republic.



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