Australia: Public Land Fire Management Statement


Public Land Fire Management Statement

(IFFN No. 4 – 1990, p. 3)

Recently a “Public Land Fire Management” Statement has been prepared by the Standing Committee Forestry Council.

The objective of the Statement is to provide the community with information about the use of fire in the management of Australian Public Lands. A complementary set of guidelines to fire managers of public lands is annexed to the Statement. In the preparation of this Statement public comment was sought and taken into account in its finalisation so as to achieve a balanced policy document.

The Statement provides valuable insight into Australian fire management techniques and be interesting for wildland fire managers and researchers from Australia and other regions of the world as well. The statement is published in a 13-page brochure (ISBN 0 644 12306 0) and may be obtained from


The Australian Forestry Council
c/o Public Relations, Department of
Primary Industries and Energy
GPO Box 858
Canberra, ACT 2601



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