Fires in East Gippsland, Victoria

Fires in East Gippsland, Victoria

2 April 2009

Several bushfires were burning in state and national parks in the eastern corner of Victoria on 31 March 2009, spreading smoke across a large area of southern Victoria, including Melbourne (visible in large image). This image of the fires (outlined in red) was captured by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite. Clouds were building across the area at the time of this image, and they delivered some rain later that day and evening, according to the 1 April fire status report from the Victoria Department of Sustainability and the Environment.

31 March 2009

(source: earth observatory)

See also latest news on the media page:

  • Police closing in on Marysville bushfire arsonist (published by, 2 April 2009)
  • Eyre Peninsula bushfire reports released (published by, 2 April 2009)
  • Gippsland residents have told Victoria’s Bushfire Royal Commission that warning systems failed on Black Saturday (published by, 1 April 2009)
  • Fire-proof buildings mooted for bushfire affected areas flawed – CSIRO (published by, 1 April 2009)
  • Bushfire clean-up equipment set alight by arsonist (published by, 1 April 2009)
  • Crews battle national park blaze (published by, 31 March 2009)

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