Esperanza Fire

Esperanza Fire

28October 2006

Waves of gray-brown smoke washed over the mountains southeast ofLos Angeles and out over the Pacific on October 26, 2006. West of Palm Springs,California, the Esperanza Fire had ballooned under the influence of Santa Anawinds to more than 19,000 acres as of the morning of October 27, according tothe daily report from the NationalInteragency Fire Center.

Racing through grass, brush, and timber, the blaze had forcedhundreds to evacuate, and it killed several firefighters who were working toprotect homes. Fire officials are reporting the cause of the blaze as arson.

26 October  2006

This photo-like image shows the fire and surrounding area captured by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite on October 26.

Santa Ana winds are a California firefighter’s nightmare. These blustery, dry, and often hot winds blow out of the desert and race through canyons and passes in the mountains on their way toward the coast. The air is hot not because it is bringing heat from the desert, but because it is flowing downslope from higher elevations. As fall progresses, cold air begins to sink into the Great Basin deserts to the east of California. As the air piles up at the surface, high pressure builds, and the air begins to flow downslope toward the coast. When winds blow downslope, the air gets compressed, which causes it to warm and dry out. In fact, the air can warm at a rate of 10 degrees Celsius per kilometer of descent (29 degrees Fahrenheit per mile). Canyons and passes funnel the winds, which increases their speed. Not only do the winds spread the fire, but they also dry out vegetation, making it even more flammable.

(source: EarthObservatory).

See also current media information on the haze situation inCalifornia:

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