A Region of the Global Wildland Fire Network

Central America Wildland Fire Monitoring

Programme for the Detection of High-Temperature Events (HTE) – CONABIO
Since 1999 the Mexico National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO) offers a daily updated website for the detection of wildland fires and land-use fires by detecting high-temperature events using remote sensing techniques (Programa para detección de puntos de calor mediante técnicas de percepción remota). CONABIO offers daily interactive fire maps for Mexico and Central America:

Detection and Monitoring of Wildland Fires – SMN
Since 1998 the National Meteorological Service of Mexico (SMN) is carrying out the detection and monitoring of wildland fires in Mexico, based on GOES-12 satellites. In this section animated images are displayed showing thematic information and active fires detected during the day:

Wildland Fire Information System – SEMARNAT
The Mexico Wildland Fire Information System (Programa de Sistemas de Manejo de Incendios) is a comprehensive fire information system which has been set up at SEMARNAT in collaboration with Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service. The Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) System and the Canadian Forest Fire Behaviour Prediction (FBP) System are applied in México and updated daily.
See GFMC introduction to the Mexico Wildland Fire Information System (English and Spanish terminology).

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