Forest Fires in the United States: 30 November 1999
Forest Fires in the United States
30 November 1999
Several active fire signals were recorded by OSEI with the NOAA-14 POES AVHRR HRPT satellite on 29 November 1999 in the southeastern United States.
Fig. 1. The image shows heat signatures and smoke plumes from numerous areas of fire burning in Mississippi and Alabama.
(Source: NOAA
The Wildland Fire Assessment System, provided by “The Fire Behavior Research Work Unit”, Missoula (Montana USA), submits a fire danger map, which is displayed below.
Fig. 2. Fire Danger Forecast Map, 30 November 1999
(Source: Fire Behavior Research Work Unit, Missoula)
According the INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SITUATION REPORT the situation for 26 November 1999 can be quoted as follows:
A good portion of the Southern Area experienced widespread rain, decreasing fire activity significantly. Containment objectives have been achieved on most of the large fires. Heavy demobilization is currently in progress and will continue through the weekend. Very high to extreme fire indices were reported in southern California.
A weather system over the Rockies will spread some high clouds into the central states, but not enough for any precipitation. The east central states will continue under the influence of a nearly stationary frontal system that will spread clouds, showers and thunderstorms across much of the area.
Oklahoma will be mostly sunny and dry with high temperatures in the 60’s. Missouri will be partly cloudy and dry with high temperatures in the 50’s. Kentucky will be clearing in the west with rain likely in the east. High temperatures will be in the 50’s. Tennessee will have rain showers with high temperatures in the lower 60’s. North Carolina will have showers and thunderstorms with high temperatures in the 60’s in the valleys and 50’s in the mountains.
… .”
The following basic fire data describes the fire situation in the United States. Most of the fires burning in the last two days are located in the Southern Area of the United States.
Number of FIRES in the last 24 hours HECTARES burning in the last 24 hours FIRES
YEAR-TO-DATE 4 9,7 89,963 2,271,777
For detailed information regarding specified regions, please refer to the whole report.
The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) reports its Wildland Fire Update every Friday unless significant activity occurs.