Forest Fires in the United States: 2 December 1999

Forest Fires in the United States

2 December 1999

Several active fire signals were recorded by OSEI with the NOAA-14 POES AVHRR HRPT satellite on 1 Dezember 1999 in the southeastern United States.

click here to enlarge (241 KB)

Fig. 1. The image shows heat signatures and smoke plumes from areas of fire burning in Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi.
(Source: NOAA

The Wildland Fire Assessment System, provided by “The Fire Behavior Research Work Unit”, Missoula (Montana USA), submits a fire danger map, which is displayed below.

click here to enlarge (27 KB)

Fig. 2. Fire Danger Forecast Map, 2 December 1999
(Source: Fire Behavior Research Work Unit, Missoula)

According to the INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SITUATION REPORT, as of 26 November 1999, the fire situation in the United States can be summarized by following basic fire data. Most of the fires burning in the last weeks are located in the Southern Area of the United States.

Number of FIRES in the last 24 hours HECTARES burning in the last 24 hours FIRES
YEAR-TO-DATE 4 9,7 89,963 2,271,777

For detailed information regarding specified regions, please refer to the whole report.

The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) reports its Wildland Fire Update every Friday unless significant activity occurs.

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