GFMC: Forest Fires in Canada

Forest Fires in Canada

14 June 2002

Canada Center for Remote Sensing

Satellite image showing fire hotspots (orange points) identified in Alberta,  on  June 12 using the NOAA-16/AVHRR sensor. The background image was acquired during the afternoon of May 27, in which detected smoke plumes appear yellow.
(Source: CCRS)

CSA RADARSAT-1 Disaster Watch Report
The requests in this report were acquired within the past 24 hours.

The following requests were acquired under the MCS Disaster Watch:
Colorado, Drought, Unites States (1 image(s):
* 12 Jun 2002 00:37:27 UTC; W1; cycle 100 orbit 80.10393 duration 0.00992; RT: In – PASS)

Note that the 24 hour period ends at 19:00 UTC of the current day.

CSA RADARSAT-1 Disaster Watch
C/o: Satellite Operations
Canadian Space Agency

For further Information on Wildfires in Canada please visit our new site:

Canada: Forest Fire Monitoring and Early Warning


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