USA: “Crossing the Millenium: Integrating Spatial Technologies and Ecological Principles for a New Age of Fire Management” 15-17 June 1999, Moscow, Idaho
Joint Fire Science Conference and Workshop
“Crossing the Millenium: Integrating Spatial Technologies and Ecological Principles for a New Age of Fire Management”
15-17 June 1999, Boise, Idaho
Although it is a work in progress, the web site for the Joint Fire Science Conference and Workshop “Crossing the Millenium: Integrating Spatial Technologies and Ecological Principles for a New Age of Fire Management” is on line at:
The site will continue to be improved and updated so please bookmark it. Our e-mail database is by no means complete so please forward this message to others. If you have a list of contacts please notify the Conference Coordinator, Greg Gollberg The purpose of the Joint Fire Science Conference and Workshop is to collect, share, and synthesize information by bringing together all fire research and management activities in four topic areas. These topic areas are:
Mapping, i.e., fuel, vegetation, topographic, and fire regime.
GIS and Remote Sensing Technologies, i.e., developing and implementing standards, protocols, and quality control.
Modeling, i.e., fuel, fire behavior, fire effects, fire hazard and risk.
Treatments, i.e., fuel treatment technologies, methodologies, and applications.
The conference and workshop will be in the new luxurious Grove Hotel on 15-17 June 1999. The Grove is located in the heart of downtown Boise. For our out-of-state guests, the Grove will provide transportation from the airport and for those driving it is easy to access. The hotel is connected to the new 5000 seat Bank of America Centre and is adjacent to the Convention Centre. We are fortunate to have our conference in such a beautiful complex and have a limited number of rooms reserved at affordable government rates. Please call the Grove Hotel at ++1-800-426-0670 and make your hotel reservations early.
Early registration (prior to 30 April 1999) for the conference and workshop is $300 for agency and academic participants and attendees. After 30 April 1999 registration will be $365. Student registration is $150 before 30 April 1999 and $215 after. Fees include a registration packet, admission to the plenary session, poster session, all contributed paper sessions, and the workshop. It also includes 3 lunches, all breaks, and publications produced from the conference and workshop. A banquet and guest speaker on Wednesday (16 June) will be priced separately at $28 per person (after 30 April the banquet will cost $35). Please fill out the registration form on the web site and submit payment either of the following methods:
1. Check or money order payable to: University of Idaho Bursar for Fire Science Conference
Mail to:
The Joint Fire Science Conference and Workshop
Department of Forest Resources, University of Idaho
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1133
2. Visa or MasterCard
Call: (208) 883-5545
Abstract Submission
Abstract submission via the web site is under construction and will be available soon. Please be patient and check back. In the meantime view other pertinent information in the Call for Abstracts section.
If you have any comments or questions (or corrections) please contact the Conference Coordinator, Greg Gollberg at .