Ninth Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology

Ninth Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology

18-20 October 2011, Palm Springs, California, U.S.A.

The symposium is being organized by the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Committee on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology and will be held 18-20 October 2011 at Hotel Zoso, Palm Springs, California.

The theme of the symposium will be to share experiences, new techniques and technologies and/or changes in the areas of:
(1) impacts of weather and climate on wildfire;
(2) operational forecasting (short to long term) of fire weather for wild, prescribed, and fire use fires;
(3) model studies and development, including coupled fire-atmosphere models and mesoscale models;
(4) use and assessment of climate forecasts in fire management planning;
(5) smoke and fire decision support tool development;
(6) techniques in smoke management and mitigation related to new NAAQS and haze standards;
(7) improvements to fire danger and fire behavior systems related to meteorology; and
(8) field studies of fire-atmosphere interactions.

Workshop „Fuel Treatment Planning Under Climate Change“ (Monday, 17 October 2011)

This workshop will introduce planning tools for fuels managers who are challenged to plan and implement fuels treatments that will remain effective under future climate scenarios. We will introduce RAWS data that are downscaled from future climate projections, discuss how these data can be used in FireFamilyPlus to create future climate scenarios, and demonstrate how these future climate scenarios can be utilized in FLAMMAP and ArcFuels to test fuel treatment effectiveness. This workshop is funded by and a product of Joint Fire Science Project 08-1-1-19 “Assessing Fuels Treatment in Southern California National Forests in the Context of Climate Change” and will focus on Southern California national forests, but all are welcome to attend. Participants may bring laptop computers for hands-on practice, otherwise, computers will not be provided.

• Symposium flyer (PDF, 0.25 MB)
• Symposium website:


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