6th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium
6th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium
1st Anouncement and call for papers
7 – 11 June 2009
Porticcio (Ajaccio), Corsica, France
The 6th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium that will be held in Porticcio (Ajaccio), Corsica, from 7-11 June 2009. A special session will be dedicated to forest fires.
Objectives and scope
The MCS aims at the common efforts of the scientific communities from countries around the Mediterranean Sea in soliciting works and promoting the participation of scientists, engineers and students from the same area. Participants from all countries of the world are welcome and submission of papers from groups not located in this region is greatly appreciated since it is considered a valuable contribution to enrich different points of view as well as to communicate last achievements in the field. All topics and all the scientific/technological approaches in the combustion field are pertinent to this Symposium. The organizing committee and the colloquia co-chairs are composed of international experts in various disciplines of combustion. The technical program will consist of invited lectures by eminent specialists from all over the world, oral presentation of the contributed papers and posters of the work-in-progress.
- Turbulent Combustion
- Solid Fuels, Waste Combustion and Gasification
- Stationary Combustion
- Propulsion & Engines Combustion
- Combustion Diagnostics and Radiative Transfer
- Pollutants Formation and Control
- Fire and Explosions
- Reaction Kinetics of Combustion
- Practical Combustion Systems
- New Concepts in Combustion Technology
- Forest Fires
Information and symposium website
Ajaccio Airport, Porticcio, Corsica, France
Local Organization Committee Co-Chairs
Dr. Albert Simeoni
simeoni@univ-corse.fr Dr. Eric Leoni
leoni@univ-corse.fr Prof. Paul-Antoine Santoni
UMR CNRS 6134 Sciences Pour lEnvironnement
Università di Corsica
BP 52, 20250 Corte
Corsica, France