5th Symposium – International Symposium on Forest Fire Protection, National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster (NRIFD)

5th NRIFD Symposium – InternationalSymposium on Forest Fire Protection

National Research Institute ofFire and Disaster (NRIFD)

30 November – 2 December 2005,Tokyo, Japan

The5th NRIFD Symposium – International Symposium on Forest Fire Protection,organized by the National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster, willbe held in Mitaka, Tokyo, 181-8633, Japan, 30 November – 2 December 2005.Detailed information can be found on the website:

Large forest fires are of common occurrence all over the world. Forest fireprediction, prevention and management measures have become increasinglyimportant and are receiving much more attention in the global community inrecent times. Fire-danger prediction techniques and protection and managementmethods for fire spread in forest fires have been investigated in many countries,and have been proven to be useful in the control of forest-fire occurrence andspread. Foreign and domestic forest-fire specialists are invited to participatein this Symposium as an international forum to assess the current research andmanagement activities related to forest fires in individual countries, with thespecific view toward searching for effective and optimum forest fire protectionand management strategies.

Time table:

November 30, Wed

  • Keynote Lecture I (Johann G. Goldammer: UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction/Global Fire Monitoring Center, Germany)
  • Session 1 (Fire situation in each country I)
  • Session 2 (Fire situation in each country II)
  • Session 3 (Fire danger rating I)

December 1, Thu

  • Keynote Lecture II (K.T.Yang: University of Notre Dame, USA)
  • Session 4 (Fire danger rating II)
  • Session 5 (Fire protection)
  • Session 6 (Remote sensing)

December 2, Fri

  • Session 7A (Aerial firefighting and fire behavior)
  • Session 7B (Fire network meeting)

Dr. K. Satoh
Tel: +81-422-44-8434
e-mail: symp5th@fri.go.jp



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