

ForestFire and its Impacts on Biodiversity and Ecosystems in Indonesia

Bali,Indonesia, 21-24 January 2003

A jointsymposium organized by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences and NationalInstitute for Environmental Studies, Japan

Forest fires occur almost every year in Indonesia due to mainly human activitiessuch as clearing for large-scale plantation. The fires occurred between 1997 and1998 were aggravated because of the El Ñino effect, which has causedIndonesia’s worst drought. The scale and duration of the fires were far moreserious than before, especially in Kalimantan and Sumatra. An extensive amountof haze produced by the fires travelled across the border and became a gravesocial problem, affecting the public health and economic activities of theneighbouring countries.
From a global point of view, large-scale tropical forest fires can have analarming consequence upon atmospheric chemistry, meteorology, global warming,natural resources, biodiversity and so forth. It is therefore important to studythis issue from the global standpoint. Also it is urgent to measure the effectsof the events on the biodiversity and ecosystems in the area.
The International Study Conference on the 1997 Indonesian Forest Fire Event washeld in March, 1998 and the Joint Workshop for the Asian Forest Fire and itsEnvironmental Impacts took place in 2000 with the aims to encourage the exchangeof data and opinions among the international researchers for their moreeffective research works. The conference has stimulated many collaborationresearches and produced fruitful results. The cooperative researches on variousfields related to forest fire have  beenconducted in Indonesia.
We have studied the “Forest Fire and its Impacts on Biodiversity andEcosystems” in Bukit Bangkirai area, East Kalimantan from 2001. As variedinformation has been obtained from the cooperative research, we would like tohave an international symposium, to present our new knowledge and to discuss onthe forest fire problem from various fields. Moreover, we need the information on the natural baseline data inIndonesia.
Scientists, technologists and other specialists related to forest fires inIndonesia will meet on the days mentioned below with a view to exchanginginformation and experiences relating to forest fires and their effects on forestbiodiversity/ecosystem.  Any expertin the field of environmental sciences and technology who carries out researchesor develops techniques related to forest fire problems and/or forestbiodiversity/ecology is welcome to present a paper.  We look forward to welcoming you to the symposium in Bali in January2003.

The conference will address the following topics:

  • Measuring the effect of fires in the spatial hierarchy by remote sensing
  • Research on the effects of the fire on biodiversity, ecosystems, climate or environment
  • Identification of indicators evaluating the fire effects and recovering process of the ecosystems
  • Studies on the relation between forest fire and community
  • Basic information relating to biodiversity/ecosystems

Anyother topics on Indonesian forest fires and biodiversity/ecosystems are welcome.



  • The Research Center for Biology, The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (RCB, LIPI)
  • Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia (UGM)
  • Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia (IPB)
  • National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
  • Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Japan (FFPRI)
  • Communications Research Laboratory, Japan (CRL)
  • Biodiversity Center, Japan (Biodic-J)
  • Japan Wildlife Research Center (JWRC)


  • The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
  • Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MoE)


  • Ministry of the Environment, Republic of Indonesia (KLH)
  • PT. Inhutani I, Indonesia
  • Forest Fire Prevention Management Project, DepHut-JICA
  • Biodiversity Conservation Project, LIPI-DepHut-JICA

Callfor Speakers and Participants

Thosewho want to make a presentation (oral or poster) at the symposium should send anapplication, and also wants to participate the symposium should register, bothpreferably via e-mail, to the contact address.


18November  2002: Deadline forpreliminary registration for presentation (name and title)

19December  2002: Deadline forsubmission of abstracts

9December 2002: Deadline for registration for participation 

21January 2003: Registration

22-23January: Conference

14January 2003: Field observation for ex-situ conservation (Kebun Raya, Bali)

10 March2003: Deadline for submission of full paper for proceedings


Contactaddresses for preliminary registration and submission of abstracts:

Ms. Satiko Tobata
Japan Wildlife Research Center

Sitaya 3-10-10, Taito,
Tokyo, 110-8676

Tel: +81-3-5824-0963
Fax: +81-3-5824-0964


Dr. Herwint Simbolon
Research Center for Biology
Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Jalan Raya Juanda 22
Bogor 16122

Tel: + 62-251-322035
Fax: +62-251-336538


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