
 “Conjugate Problems of Mechanics and Ecology”

4-9 July2002, Tomsk, Russian Federation

Theconference will be organized by Tomsk State University (TSU), Center on ReactiveMedia Mechanics and Ecology of TSU, the Siberian Branch of the Council onCombustion of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Tomsk Society ofMechanics-Scientists and Thermophysicists. The Conference is devoted to the 25thanniversary of the department of Physical and Computer Mechanics of the Facultyof Mechanics and Mathematics of the Tomsk State University.

Thefollowing topics will be discussed:

1.Natural and technogenic catastrophes;
2. Understanding of accidental explosions in nature and industry;
3. The problem of predicting motion and distribution of dangerous celestialnatural and man-made dangerous objects;
4. The problem of celestial bodies entering the dense layers of the atmosphereand the methods of changing a flight trajectory;
5. Mechanisms of thermochemical destruction of celestial bodies in theatmosphere of the planets and the Earth;
6. Catastrophic floods and ecology of the existent water-development works;
7. Principles, methods and technical facilities of ecological monitoring ofnatural complexes and geotechnical systems;
8. High temperature technology and ecology;
9. Physico-chemical foundations and control methods of contaminating media andtheir regeneration;
10. Forest fires: initiation, spread and ecological impacts;
11. Method of risk-analysis for predicting ecological safety of variousindustrial enterprises;
12. The physical and mechanical properties of aerosols and dispersed fluids;
13. Computer programs and methods for predicting ecological impacts ofcatastrophes;
14. The problem of the ecological education and social monitoring;
15. Ecological and social aspects of collision catastrophes.

Workinglanguages of the conference are Russian and English.


1. “Roundtables” of discussing different aspects of the conference.
2. Sale-exhibition of computer programs and methods.
3. There will be a special cultural program for the participants of theconference including excursions over the Tomsk State University – firstUniversity in Siberia and over the historical places of Tomsk.
Sponsors are invited for mutual cooperation and participation in the conference.The program will include names of the participants and organizations which willsupport the conference.
To be registered, the conference participants are to send the pre-registrationforms to the organizing committee together with the application and abstractsfor foreigners not later 25 April 2002. Registration fee for foreignparticipants: $US 50.

Addressof the Organizing Committee:

Center on Reactive Media Mechanics and Ecology
Tomsk State University, 36 Lenin Avenue
Tomsk, 634050, Russia, to Chairman
Prof. Grishin Anatoly Mikhaylovich
Tel: ++7-3822-42-61-69
Fax: ++7-3822-42-61-95


  1. Surnameor Family Name:

  2. First Names:

  3. Date of birth:

  4. Degree or/and :academic rank 

  5. Place of work :

  6. Title of position :

  7. Full Work Address, Telephone Number & Telex Number & Fax:

  8. Address for correspondence if different from above, E-mail:

  9. Date of filling in:

  10. Signature:

Rulesfor abstracts:

1.Title of report
   Surname, Christian Name, Patronymic of Authors
2. Abstracts should be presented in English

Pleasesubmit abstracts by e-mail or fax to Professor A.M. Grishin ( abstract can be sent by mail. In this case all materials should betyped single-sided and single-spaced on 210´297mm (A4) white paper with 20.0 mm margins, one-column format. Font: Times NewRoman 12 pt.


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