Rome Declaration on Forestry, as adopted by the Ministerial Meeting on Forestry, FAO, 9 March 1999
Rome Declaration on Forestry, as adopted by the Ministerial Meeting on Forestry, FAO, 9 March 1999
10 March 1999
The FAO convened the Ministerial Meeting on Forestry on “Sustainability Issues in Forestry, tha National and International Challenges”, Rome, 8-9 March 1999, and hosted the 14th Session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO), 2 March 1999.
On 9 March 1999 the Ministerial Meeting released the “Rome Declaration on Forestry”. The statements regarding forest fires are based on the resumée “Global Action to Address Forest Fires” which was a summary of the recommendations of the Expert Meeting on Public Policies Affecting Forest Fires (FAO, Rome, October 1998).
The Ministerial Meeting, among other, welcomed the recommendations of the COFO Session and encouraged their endorsement by the FAO Council with a view to facilitating their early implementation.