~~ Wildfire 2007 – 4th INTERNATIONAL WILDLAND FIRE CONFERENCE. Spain 2007 ~~
Search by AUTHOR Search by TITLE Search by THEMATIC SESSIONS Search by REGIONAL SESSIONS Search by COUNTRIES KEYNOTE Lectures FINAL DOCUMENTS ENTITIES + da Luz, Michael A. “Collaborative planning in the wildland urban interface” / (TS5) / USA + Damasceno, Pedro “Spatial distribution patterns of wildfire ignitions in Portugal” / (TS7) / PORTUGAL + Davies, Diane “Global distribution of MODIS fire products” / (TS4) / USA + Davison, Jennifer E. “Satellite-derived vegetation dynamics applied to post-fire vulnerability assessment in Eastern Spain” / (TS4) / SPAIN + de Castro, Ricardo “Investigación social sobre los incendios forestales en Andalucía” / (TS1) / SPAIN + de la Cita Benito, Javier “Protección contra incendios forestales en zonas fronterizas. Situación actual a nivel europeo y mundial. Ejemplo de coordinación en la frontera hispano-portuguesa” / (TS2) / SPAIN + de la Fuente, Jesús “Operaciones con medios aéreos para la extinción de incendios forestales: seguridad y eficacia” / (TS7) / SPAIN + de la Riva, J “Ecological vulnerability to forest fires: an evaluation model” / (TS1) / SPAIN + de la Rosa, J.M. “Detection of geochemical markers to monitor the recovery of soils after wildfire events” / (TS8) / SPAIN + de las Heras, J. “Wildfire motivation survey through the Delphi Method” / (TS4) / ITALY “¿Cómo afectan las altas temperaturas a las piñas del pino carrasco? Consideraciones para una adecuada gestión post-incendio” / (TS8) / ITALY “Dinámica de la vegetación y regeneración natural de Pinus tropicalis Morelet en un área afectada por incendio en Mantua, Cuba” / (A) / CUBA “Is the net primary productivity of Quercus ilex spp. Ballota affected by post-fire thinning treatments anda recurrent fires?” / (TS3) / SPAIN “Post-fire management in mediterranean forest researching to prevent global change” / (TS3) / SPAIN “Quality site and silvicultural treatments influence in Pinus halepensis Mill. Young regenerated post-fire” / (TS3) / SPAIN “Uso de quemas prescritas en bosques naturales de Pinus tropicalis Morelet, en Pinar del Río, Cuba” / (TS3) / CUBA + de Mar, P.J. “Framing fires: wildfire management planning and perfomance measures” / (TS2) / AUSTRALIA + de Miguel García, Yago “Selvicultura preventiva contra incendios forestales: control de vegetación mediante manejo de ganado extensivo sobre infraestructuras de defensa contra incendios en el plan INFOCA” / (TS3) / SPAIN + de Paula Herrmann, Maria Lúcia “Forest fires in protected areas in Portugal and in the state of Santa Catarina (Brazil): comparative analysis of policies of prevention and recovery of burned areas” / (TS8) / PORTUGAL + de Ronde, C “A network of prescribed fire demonstration sites for Europe, Africa and Argentina” / (TS3) / SPAIN + de Santis, Ángela “The next step of remote sensing services for operational forest fire-fighting within GMES” / (TS4) / SPAIN + de Sarriá Sopeña, Susana “Operación marco regional ‘Incendi’” / (TS1) / SPAIN “Sistema integrado para la gestión y dirección de incendios forestales en Andalucía (SIGDIF)” / (TS7) / SPAIN + de Vicente López, Francisco Javier “IDE y geoportales aplicados a los incendios forestales: SIGIF, el caso de la Comunidad Valenciana” / (TS4) / SPAIN + Defossé, G “A network of prescribed fire demonstration sites for Europe, Africa and Argentina” / (TS3) / SPAIN + Delcros, P “Simulating fire ignition and initial propagation at road-forest interfaces” / (TS3) / FRANCE + Delogu, Giuseppe “A network of prescribed fire demonstration sites for Europe, Africa and Argentina” / (TS3) / SPAIN “Characterization and mapping of wildland-urban- interfaces: a methodology applied in the case study area in Sardinia” / (TS5) / FRANCE “Performance of a newly develped intergrated fire rating inden in Sardinia, Italy” / (TS7) / ITALY + Dentoni, María C. “Implementación de un sistema nacional de evaluación de peligro de incendios: la experiencia argentina” / (A) / ARGENTINA + Denux, Jean-Philippe “Characterization of wildfire regime in Madagascar savanna environments using remotely-sensed images” / (F) / FRANCE “Using time series of remote sensing images to characterize vegetation behaviour over territories under wildland fire risk” / (TS4) / FRANCE + Dettori, G. “Characterization and mapping of wildland-urban- interfaces: a methodology applied in the case study area in Sardinia” / (TS5) / FRANCE + di Fulvio, Fulvio “Environmental impact of postfire logging in a Maritime pine stand in Tuscany (Central Italy)” / (TS8) / ITALY + di Narda, Nadia “The wildland fire-fighting system in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy)” / (TS2) / ITALY + Díaz Hernández, Sonia “Presente y futuro de los medios aéreos de cobertura nacional en la extinción de incendios forestales en España. Protocolos de actuación” / (TS7) / SPAIN + Díaz Reygosa, Enrique “El contrafuego: la experiencia en incendios de la fachada atlántica. Aplicación a las regiones mediterráneas” / (TS6) / PAIS + Diego Liaño, Concepción “Incidencias y características de los incendios forestales en los bosques de Cantabria / Recent climate variability trends and wildfire occurence in Cantabria (Northern Spain)” / (TS1) / SPAIN + Díez, Carmen “Influencia de la corta a hecho y tratamiento de residuos en la supervivencia del regenerado natural post-incendios de Pinus pinaster (Ait.) en el monte “Egidos” Acebo (Cáceres, España)” / (TS8) / SPAIN + Dittel, Rudolf H. “A Satellite Cluster for Comprehensive Monitoring of High Temperature Events and Related Combustion Products for Application and Scientific Use” / (TS4) / GERMANY + Dolz Reus, María Luisa “Análisis de la percepción de la sociedad ante el problema de los incendios forestales: metodología y resultados” / (TS1) / SPAIN + Domínguez, Isaac “Plataformas Aerostáticas para la Monitorización de Incendios / Remote sensing of fires from aerostatic platforms” / (TS4) / SPAIN + Domínguez Paredes, María del Mar “Las campañas divulgativas como herramienta de prevención activa contra los incendios forestales” / (TS1) / SPAIN + DongHyun, Kim “General report from Regional Northeast Asia Wildland Fire Network and proposals for a global strategy of cooperation in wildland fire management” / (D) / RUSSIA + Douglas, Michael “Influence of fire on the emergence of Sarga intrans seedlings in a north Australian tropical savanna” / (B) / AUSTRALIA + Dreibach, Joaquim F. “Tools for remote sensing, early warning and data acquisition for an advanced computer-supported, efficient fire fighting management system” / (TS4) / SWITZERLAND + Duce, Pierpaolo “Effects of seasonal weather variatons and phenology on live fuel moisture content and ignitability of mediterranean species” / (TS1) / ITALY “Evaluation of farsite simulator in a mediterranean area” / (TS4) / ITALY “Performance of a newly develped intergrated fire rating inden in Sardinia, Italy” / (TS7) / ITALY + Dudfield, Murray “Fire management in commercial plantations: a New Zealand perspective” / (TS3) / NEW ZEALAND + Duguy, B “Ecological vulnerability to forest fires: an evaluation model” / (TS1) / SPAIN “Restauración de montes quemados en condiciones mediterráneas” / (TS8) / SPAIN + Duodu-Asare, David K “The implication of poverty, civil wars and AIDS on wildfire management and sustanaible land use” / (TS1) / GHANA + Duque Sanz, Gema “La coordinación de los medios aéreos en extinción de incendios forestales. La visión del modelo INFOCA” / (TS6) / SPAIN + Durmaz, Bahar Dinc “The preliminary results of fire behavior in maquis fuels under varying weather and slope conditions” / (TS4) / TURKEY Search by AUTHOR Optimised for 1024 x 768 – Internet Explorer.© WILDFIRE. 2007