Emergency Fire Prevention And Control Project in the Amazon: Annex 2
Annex 2
Brazil: Emergency Fire Prevention And Control Project in the Amazon
Project Description
Project Components and Activities
The Emergency Loan would finance support the strengthening of federal, state and local fire prevention agencies, community outreach and training activities, and the procurement of appropriate fire prevention and suppression technology through the following components:
I. Risk Assessment And Fire Monitoring: Under this component, the federal government, in conjunction with qualified NGOs, would use appropriate technology and methods for assessing fire risk in the Arc through the integration of soil moisture maps, forest type maps, and human activity maps. These data, combined with other information, will allow decision-makers to assess which parts of the Arc are most at risk to forest fires to guide prevention and suppression efforts and the allocation of resources to those efforts. In addition, this component would initiate studies and long-range planning to identify and respond to such issues as the potential for increased flammability of burned areas in subsequent years.
II. Forest Fire Prevention: The objective of this component is to develop technical assistance and educational campaigns for local communities and different stakeholders in high risk areas in order to provide guidance on the risks and consequences of uncontrolled burning. The prevention activities, such as training in the controlled use of fire and public awareness and education campaigns would be coordinated by IBAMA in partnership with local authorities and NGOs. This component would also provide the risk-prone region with training and equipment to promptly address forest fires and prevent them from burning out of control. Fire combat brigades at the local and municipal level would be constituted and trained to address local fires and would call on State fire companies as needed in the event of uncontrollable wildfires. In addition, under this component, IBAMA, through an intensified enforcement campaign in conjunction with State Environmental Agencies and Forestry Police, would conduct intensive enforcement operations and compliance to regulations would be increased in the Deforestation Arc as part of an integral system that would prevent and regulate illegal burning activities.
III. Forest Fire Suppression: Contingency plans for the combat of forest fires as well as participation plans with other government agencies and the private sector would be developed under this component. Major fires, beyond the control of State Fire Companies, would be referred to the Federal Task Force, coordinated by the Strategic Nucleus. This Task Force would be responsible for the acquisition and distribution of fire-fighting equipment and provision of training to state and local fire brigades and coordinating simultaneous fire-fighting efforts in different regions. It would maintain a “situation room” on a 24-hour alert during the burning season and would be supported by similar State coordinating bodies. The Strategic Nucleus would be comprised of representatives of MMA, SEPRE, Air Force, Army and, CBMDF.
IV. Project Coordination, Monitoring & Evaluation, and Studies: Under this component, a project coordinating unit (PCU) composed of a multidisciplinary team would be established to manage, monitor and evaluate the day-to-day implementation of the project. This component would also serve as the platform for studies and pilot activities aimed at improving emergency response capacity, developing classifications of emergencies, response hierarchies, communications systems and contingency planning. In addition, this component would also support project monitoring and evaluation activities.
While the project is designed primarily to assist Brazils preparation for the risk of fire in the 1998 dry season in the Southern Amazon, it will also contribute to longer-term strengthening of emergency preparedness.
Institutional and Implementation Arrangements
Overall coordination of the project would reside in IBAMA/DIRCOF. IBAMA would provide policy guidance and coordinate links to state and local governments, MMA, the Bank, UNDP and other donors.
IBAMA would staff and equip the PCU with appropriately qualified personnel from IBAMAs own staff and contracted externally (satisfactory to the Bank and donors). As established in the Portaria signed by IBAMAs President, the PCU would be subordinated to the Control and Enforcement Directorate (DIRCOF) and would be supervised by the IBAMAs presidency. The PCU would be responsible for procurement of works, goods, equipment and consulting services. The PCU consist with the following staff: (a) Project Manager; (b) Deputy Project Manager and Chief of Staff; (c) Financial Manager; (d) Procurement Officer; (e) Inter-Institutional Relations Manager; (f) Community Relations Coordinator; (g) Risk Analysis and Monitoring Coordinator; (h) Fire Prevention Coordinator; (i) Fire Suppression Coordinator; and support staff as needed. IBAMA would provide adequate office space, telephones, microcomputers, printers, fax, copying machines, office materials and maintenance. IBAMA would establish an independent unit for monitoring project indicators and performance targets.
IBAMA would staff the would set up the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) with appropriately qualified staff, drawn from in adequate numbers, drawn from IBAMAs own staff and contracted externally (satisfactory to the Bank and donors). The PCU would have the following officers: (a) Project Manager (reporting to the President of IBAMA); (b) Deputy Project Manager and Chief of Staff; (c) Coordinators for (i) Risk Analysis, (ii) Enforcement, (iii) Fire Prevention, (iv) Fire Suppression, (v) Community Relations; (vi) Intergovernmental and Corporate Relations, (vii) Monitoring and Evaluation; (d) Office Manager, (e) Budget and Accounting Coordinator; (f) Procurement Coordinator; and support staff as needed. IBAMA would provide adequate office space, telephones, microcomputers, printers, fax, copying machines, and office maintenance. These offices would be set up at IBAMAs main complex or in the Ministry of Environment Headquarters in Brasília.
IBAMA would establish a separate project performance monitoring procedure for monitoring project indicators and performance targets.
Under the direction of the Project Manager and the Deputy Project Manager, the PCU would
- Identify and hire qualified staff;
- Prepare an Annual Operating Plan and obtain approval from the Bank;
- Prepare and disseminate Operational Manuals for each activity and phase of the project;
- Prepare timetables for each project deliverable (product);
- Identify appropriate partners to carry out each activity and prepare and sign appropriate operating agreements with adequate financial and operating controls;
- Manage project funds and keep accounts;
- Manage and/or supervise the procurement process for all goods and services;
- Supervise sub-projects, contract and supervise consultants and manage relations with all executing agencies as well as functional links with IBAMA/MMA, the Bank, other federal, state and municipal governments;
- Plan all major project events including annual work plans and evaluations and audits plan and run the project workshops and disseminate the results;
- Represent IBAMA and the Federal Government on Federal and Local deliberative and advisory bodies;
- Report to IBAMA management and the Bank in an appropriate format at agreed intervals;
- Monitor and evaluate all project activities and issue periodic reports in an agreed format;
- Ensure transparency and full dissemination of every activity.
Strategic NucleusTask Force and Steering Committee (with TOR satisfactory to the Bank). This units committee membership would include representatives of MMA, SEPRE/ MPO, Army, Air Force, and CBMDFCorpo de Bombeiros (DF), GTA, FETAGRI. The unit Commission would meet at least monthly (or as needed) to deal with regular business and emergencies. The Committee would:
- provide overall policy guidance for the project;
- review and coordinate State Action Plans;
- coordinate federal services in the States
- review and approve the Annual Operating Plan;
- ensure close inter-institutional collaboration and coordination;
- oversee the work of the PCU;
- review technical and financial reports;
- advise on important issues arising in the course of the project, especially those of a political and institutional nature.
Project Oversight
An Advisory Group would be established and sustained throughout the life of the project. This Advisory Group would be comprised of representatives of MMA, MPO, the Northern Chapter of the Brazilian Association of Environmental Entities (ABEMA Zona Norte), and a NGO based in the Legal Amazon. The primary responsibilities of said Group would be to provide policy and technical recommendations for the Project and to monitor Project implementation. The Group would have full access to all records and data pertaining to the Project and would promptly provide the minutes of each meeting to the Bank.
State Fire Civil Defense Committees (CEDECs)Emergency Task Forces
Each State Fire Emergency Task Force (CEDECFETF) would typically include the following agencies and representatives:
- Governor/Executive Office
- Planning Secretariat
- State Forestry Police
- Health Secretariat
- Environment Secretariat
- Civil Defense
- Public Safety/Military Police
- State Military Fire ComanyDepartmentCorpo de Bombeiros
- Representatives from two NGOs (chosen by the NGOs)
- Private Sector representatives
Seven CEDECsFETFs, one for each State in the Arc, would be established by decree from the State Governor. A draft decree would be provided by SINDEC/SEPREIBAMA to the States in order to expedite their formation.
CEDECFETFs would be responsible for:
- Planning and coordinating fire prevention and suppression activities;
- Implementing a comprehensive public awareness campaign, including incentives to municipalities and communities that participate in preparedness activities;
- Ensuring that a comprehensive publicity campaign is in place, including weekly updates on the municipalities that have formed Community Fire Brigades, the equipment they have received, etc. This public reward, or Honorary Recognition for Fire Resilience, would serve as an incentive for other municipalities to become involved in the project;
- Planning and coordinating fire prevention and suppression activities;
- Ensuring the participation and cooperation of relevant stakeholders, including Municipal Governments, NGOs, civil society organizations, and the private sector;
- Ensuring that the Municipal Fire Committees, State Emergency Operations Centers, and Community Fire Brigades meet Federal standards.
Municipal Level Organizations
State CEDECs with support from SINDEC/SEPRE/MPO FETFswould promote the establishment of Municipal Civil Defense Committees (COMDECs)Municipal Fire Councils in the highest risk eachmunicipalities y within the Deforestation Arc, composed of relevant Municipal officials and NGO representatives, civil society organizations and the private sector. This council would serve as the liaison between the individual municipalities and the state CEDECFETF.
Each Municipal Fire Council would produce a Municipal Action Plan appropriate to its needs within the guidelines laid down by the Federal Government with the technical assistance of the State CEDECFETF, the Strategic Nucleus and SINDECthe Federal Technical Assistance Consulting Group. The Municipal Action Plan would be submitted to the State CEDECFETF and the Federal Government. Once approved, funds would be released directly to the Municipalities or States. The Action Plan would
- Present a strategy for coordinating local fire prevention and suppression efforts;
- Identify and recruit existing technical and human resources, including facilities and equipment that could be leased or hired locally (e.g. tractors, trucks, shovels);
- Determine the number of community fire brigades needed;
- Present a detailed strategy for community education, mobilization and training based on local conditions;
- Identify and incorporate existing community groups, civil society organizations, government agencies and private sector enterprises into all aspects of fire education, mobilization, and prevention;
- Assign responsibility for daily reporting of fire situation to State Emergency Operations Center.
Community groups wishing to form Fire Brigades would meet the criteria established in the relevant Federal guidelines and Municipal Action Plan (e.g. number of able-bodied volunteers, assessment of equipment needs, time frame of activities). Resources, technical assistance and training manuals for equipping the Community Fire Brigades would be sent directly from IBAMA to the Municipalities.
Military Organizations
As in the case of the Roraima fires, the Brazilian Army and Air Force would be mobilized to combat major fires that are not controllable by State Fire Companies. The Army would provide ground transportation, helicopter support for transporting fire fighters and material, ground communications, field kitchens, field hospitals, and logistical support. The Air Force would provide logistical support by transporting men and material to air strips located near fire suppression sites, and provide helicopter transport for men and material. The military will not engage in actual fire combat.
Fires that burn beyond the capacity of municipal fire brigades will be suppressed by State Military Fire Companies, linked to the State Military Police. Most States in the Arc have a single professional fire-fighting unit. The State of Pará has nine professional companies. Most of these Fire Companies are trained and experienced in the suppression of structural fires, but not wildfires. Under the Project, State Fire Companies would receive specialized wildfire training from members of the Fire Company of the Federal District (CBMDF) which has extensive training and experience in wild fires. CBMDF will also form the nucleus of the Federal Task Force to be mobilized in the event of catastrophic wildfires beyond the capacity of State Fire Companies to control. The Federal Task Force would be complemented, as necessary, by members of the State Fire Companies from Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais and Paraná, all of which have specialized wildfire training, including training from the USDA Forest Service.
Non-Governmental Organizations
NGOs would be involved at all levels of project implementation. Technically oriented NGOs would provide technical services and expertise for the Risk Assessment and the Fire Prevention Components.
Grass-roots NGOs, including the affiliates of GTA, would provide access to communities and participate directly in the community mobilization, outreach and training aspects of the project under an operating agreement with IBAMA.
Indigenous Groups
Indigenous groups within the Deforestation Arc would be encouraged, through their associations, to form fire brigades and would be included in the outreach, mobilization and training campaigns. FUNAI has made preliminary identification of some nine Indigenous Reserves located with the Deforestation Arc that are at risk to burning. FUNAI would contact all its Regional Administrators (ADRs) within the Deforestation Arc and encourage them to avail themselves of the services and facilities offered by the project and to report any difficulties in accessing such services to a designated official in Brasília who would report such information to the project coordinator.