GFMC and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Cooperation between GFMC and FAO in the FAO Global Forest Assessment 2005
Global Fire Management Assessment

As a supplement and complement to the Global Forest Resources Assessment, 2005, twelve regional reports published as Working Paper have been prepared by regional and country contributing authors to provide a greater depth of data and information on fire incidence, impact, and management issues relating to the twelve UN-ISDR Regional Wildland Fire Networks around the world.

The working paper series assesses the fire situation in each wildland fire region, including the area extent, number and types of fires and their causes. The positive and negative social, economic and environmental impacts are outlined. Prediction, preparedness and prevention as key elements in reduction of the negative impacts of fire, rapid response to extinguish fire incidents and restoration following fires are addressed. The working paper series also addresses institutional capacity and capability in wildland fire management, including the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholder groups for prevention and suppression, particularly the unique role of community-based fire management.

From these working papers, FAO compiled a synthesis Fire Management Global Assessment 2006 (PDF, 1.9 MB)


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