Regularity of the Scots Pine Renewal Dynamics During Recovery of the Northern Taiga Pine Forests After Fires

S1.09-00 Forest Fire Research

Theme: East-West Interdisciplinaty Boreal Forest Fire Experiment, Part 2
Moderator: J. G. Goldammer

Regularity of the Scots Pine Renewal Dynamics During Recovery of the Northern Taiga Pine Forests After Fires

Gorshkov, Vadim V., Stavrova, Natalie I.

Investigations were carried out in 5 regions in the Kola peninsula (between 67°40’­68°00’N and 30°50’­4°50’E) in pine forests of lichen site type (the share of lichens in the moss-lichen cover exceeding 80 %), burned 0, 5­7, 30­40, 60, 90, 140­150 and 210 years ago. Two most common extreme versions of post-fire damage in northern forest stands were analyzed:

I sample ­ dead trees amount to less than 20 %,

II sample ­ dead trees amount to more than 80 %.

The data were collected at 40 permanent sampling sites. The area of each site remained within 0.1 to 1 ha. Seedling density was determined in sample plots of 1 x 1 m (40 sample plots at each site), regularly positioned along the parallel profiles in 5­10 m from each other (the distance was constant within the site). Seedling density was studied according to three age groups:

1 ­ less than 10 years,

2 ­ 10­20 years,

3 ­ more than 20 years.

The maximum value of overall regrowth density for the I sample is five to seven times higher than that of the II sample (14­15 n/m2 and 2­3 n/m2 respectively), and observed 30 years earlier (at 30 [I] and 60 [II] years after fire). Stabilization of overall regrowth density coincides for both community samples, and is detected in the forests with fires dating back 120­140 years.

During stabilization period the overall density of regrowth amounts to 0.1­0.6 trees/m2, with the ratio between regrowth and tree individuals ranging approximately between 10/1 and 4/1.

Indicated values agree with the corresponding numbers for boreal (both pine and spruce) climax forests of Russia with perturbations older than 200 years, and thus constitute fundamental indices.

Key words: fire, Scots pine forests, regrowth.

Correspondence: Vadim V. Gorshkov, Komarov Botanical Institute, Prof. Popov str., 2, RUS-St. Petersburg, 197376



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