WWF Altai

WWF Altai

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is the world largest non-government international conservation organisation. It unites 27 national organisations all over the world as well as about 5 million individual members. In order to implement its various programmes WWF receives voluntary donations from individuals, governments, international agencies, and companies. The Fund began activities in Russia in 1994 and over 5 years has invested over 12 million US dollars into conservation projects in this country.


Some examples of WWF achievements in Russia:

  • The overall territory of protected areas in Russia has increased 20%, doubling in the Arctic alone,
  • The population of the Amur tiger has increased from 250 to 450 animals,
  • Up-to-date principles of sustainable forest management have been worked out and put into practice in the Republic of Komi, the Khabarovsk Krai, and the Pskov oblast,
  • The “Altai-Sayan Initiative” on international mechanisms to maintain unique eco-regions has been developed and signed by the governors of five regions in Russia and four regions in Mongolia,

The All-Russian ecological educational centre “Zapovedniki” was created.


WWF Altai

More than 70 thousand hectares of unique forest “stripes” in Altai were burned down. These forests used to provide shelter and protection to numerous species of endangered animals and plants. These forests deterred sands and prevented sandstorms. These forests allowed people to farm and graze. Restoring one hectare of these unique forests costs 300 US dollars.

The restoration of the Altai forest “stripes” is carried out by the WWF Russian Programme Office in conjunction with the Altai Forestry Department. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is carrying out the global “Forests for Life” programme, an integral part of the “Living Planet” campaign that has already been supported by millions of people all over the world.

For more information relating to the project, please don’t hesitate to contact

WWF Russian Programme Office
in conjunction with the Altai Forestry Department
telephone number: +7 095 727-0939
fax number: +7 095 727-0938
e-mail at Russia@wwf.ru


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