International Boreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA) (34194 Byte)

International Boreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA)

Wildland Fire Working Group

The International Boreal Forest Research Association(IBFRA) was founded in 1991after a meeting of the International Panel on Boreal Forests in Archangelsk,Russia. The Wildland Fire Working Group (originally called “Stand Replacement FireWorking Group [SRFWG]) was one of the first working groups created under theIBFRA, and to date it has been the most active. Following an organizationalmeeting in Siberia in 1992, the Wildland Fire Working Group has strongly promoted andfacilitated cooperative international and multi-disciplinary boreal forest fireresearch between Russia and western boreal countries of Europe and North America(Fosberg1992, Stockset al. 1996a).


A number of collaborative studies dealing with global and regional climatechange / fire issues, remote sensing, fire behaviour, fire danger rating, firehistory and fire ecology and effects have been initiated:

The IBFRA Wildland Fire Working Group has developed close ties with the

  • FROSTFIRE experiment, conducted in the State of Alaska (USA).

Next IBFRA Wildland Fire WorkingGroup Meeting


The IBFRA Wildland Fire WorkingGroup is cosponsor of:



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